Sounds like you got the quick disconnect, or are you referring to the magnate base?
Either/or. The Wilson 1000 and 5000 both have a quick disconnect where the coil and whip unscrews from the magnet base. The magnets on these are strong enough you don't want to have to pull it off the roof when you need the antenna off. Just a note on the Wilson 1000 and 5000... they're essentially the same antenna. They will perform equally in the same installation. The 5000 just has thicker gauge wire in the coil so you can run (I believe) up to a 5000 Watt linear amplifier. The 1000 is good for something like 3000 Watts. The legal limit is 4 Watts, and the "not a complete and utter ************ who likes to fry the receive circuit of nearby radios and/or bleed over 5 channels either direction" limit is around 200 Watts. So between the two, save your money and get the Wilson 1000.
The Wilson 500 has a fixed coil on a large magnet base... pain in the butt. the whip is a few inches shorter than the 1000 and 5000, but not enough shorter for any measure of convenience, especially given the fixed coil.
The Lil' Wil (and others like the k30) have fixed coils but a shorter whip and a smaller magnet, so they're pretty easy to just grab and toss it in the cab.
I ran a K30 for a while, and it was a fine little antenna. Could talk several miles on it with a stock cobra 29 radio when the DX wasn't real heavy. I went to the Wilson 1000 when I found one for 5 bucks at a garage sale. Then I got the itch for a 102" whip, which is what I now run, on a fold-down adapter mounted to my roof rack. It's a bit tall... hits bridges now and then when traffic is crawling and the antenna isn't bending back from the wind, but that thing will transmit like nobody's business, and I get a 1.1 or better SWR across the whole band.