+1 for armorology......Jed is a superb craftsman and a stand-up businessman. I'm getting my suspension work (Toytec dealer) and both front and rear bumpers done at his shop.
Thank You all for your responses. Yeah we are still here and are not going anywhere. Last week was a very very very busy week. We had a customer drive up from Southern California to have us design and build him a bumper for his 3rd gen 4Runner and we only had limited time so we poured the hours to it Monday through Thursday as he had to be in Farmington Friday for the W.E.Rock Finals. If you want to see what the hours produced. Here is a link to the build on TTORA.
But everyone that left us a message or email will be replied to. Look forward to helping all of you out!
Another bump for Jed. I was down at his shop last week and he was working on a sweet expo style 3rd gen 4runner bumper. That guy does amazing work.
Not about CBI but still about rear bumpers...
Is Rockware still around in CO? And whats the relationship between them and Armorology?
I believe Rockware is still open, but havent heard anything about them, or seen anything from them in awhile.. I have seen thier work in person, on two different rigs, I went with Armorology :victory:
... Their backorder is for 1/2 year.... (6 month of backlog is allot of work....
Just spoke to CBI as they made my rear bumper as well and they are only booked out about 12 weeks NOT 1/2 year as AlexJet incorrectly said.
Just let the phone ring and they will get back to you or email them as per their website! They are always looking for more business!
Most bumpers (F/R) if they have made them before they have a jig so there are just bolt on and do not need your rig there to fab it.
He has 4th Gen and so far CBI and 4x4Lbas are the only ones making bumpers for those trucks. CBI makes a bolt-on version, while 4x4Labs require vehicle presence and cutting the frame which can take a few weeks in time.
I'm just glad that CBI is just 3hrs north of me when it comes time to get one myself.:sombrero: