2004 Land Rover Discovery adding 240a alternator and premier Power welder.
Adding an on board welder. Old alternator has two posts - "B+" Red to battery, and L to indicator lamp currently.
New system is a premier Power welder with a new alternator. Alt has a + post to the welder and multi plug with one blue wire and one orange wire to the Welder.
Then the welder has positive/ground directly to battery and a red wire to battery and a brown wire to +12v/ign
So... Where does the vehicle indicator lamp wire go now? Do I just lose the dummy light? Not a big deal I guess once the redarc volt meter gets installed but...
Will this cause any issues in general in terms of the system now missing this connection?
Adding an on board welder. Old alternator has two posts - "B+" Red to battery, and L to indicator lamp currently.
New system is a premier Power welder with a new alternator. Alt has a + post to the welder and multi plug with one blue wire and one orange wire to the Welder.
Then the welder has positive/ground directly to battery and a red wire to battery and a brown wire to +12v/ign
So... Where does the vehicle indicator lamp wire go now? Do I just lose the dummy light? Not a big deal I guess once the redarc volt meter gets installed but...
Will this cause any issues in general in terms of the system now missing this connection?