Clark White
So I started this little series because I think food photography is kinda fun...but then it occurred to me that it would be the perfect opportunity to play and learn with different apertures (the iris, not the program). I was using a tripod so shutter was a moot point. Light for the herbs is one of those sun tunnel skylights and I was shooting with a 100 2.8L. It was also an experiment in cooking as I'v never made Chimichurri before, but it's super easy and tastes AMAZING. :ylsmoke:
These first two are f2.8, which clearly provides way too shallow DOF. I wish I had caught this on the first go around, but it took my non photographer girlfriend looking at them on the camera to notice that it was way too extreme (way to pay attention me!). :sport_box
These next two are at f7.1. DOF is more fitting to the subject I think. But maybe I should have gone even higher? I was thinking blur the background to draw the eye to the herbs, but now I'm thinking maybe it would have looked better if everything were in focus?
Ahhhhh! A gremlin is trying to steal my shallot! I used some fill flash on this one, but think I should have held the flash at a higher angle.
Taken courtesy of my girlfriend, my hands were too covered in meat juice and carbon from the grill to handle my camera...
The final product! The sun had set, so I used flash for this. I should have focused on the front of the meat, and much more DOF. Maybe more of a straight down shot? But I kind of like the lower angle too...:beer:
I'm not entirely pleased with my setup for the shots. Different angle, different props positioned around the herbs, something. I'm not entirely sure what that something is though...thoughts?
These first two are f2.8, which clearly provides way too shallow DOF. I wish I had caught this on the first go around, but it took my non photographer girlfriend looking at them on the camera to notice that it was way too extreme (way to pay attention me!). :sport_box
These next two are at f7.1. DOF is more fitting to the subject I think. But maybe I should have gone even higher? I was thinking blur the background to draw the eye to the herbs, but now I'm thinking maybe it would have looked better if everything were in focus?
Ahhhhh! A gremlin is trying to steal my shallot! I used some fill flash on this one, but think I should have held the flash at a higher angle.
Taken courtesy of my girlfriend, my hands were too covered in meat juice and carbon from the grill to handle my camera...
The final product! The sun had set, so I used flash for this. I should have focused on the front of the meat, and much more DOF. Maybe more of a straight down shot? But I kind of like the lower angle too...:beer:
I'm not entirely pleased with my setup for the shots. Different angle, different props positioned around the herbs, something. I'm not entirely sure what that something is though...thoughts?