yes you can :can i re gear my lt 230? if yes were do i get the parts?
can i re gear my lt 230? if yes were do i get the parts?
I would assume with that engine that running it at the higher RPM's on the highway is likely a big hit as well. I'll be real curious as to whether a 6 speed would help. My gut tells me you will see an improvement just not sure how much.
Also are you running an intercooler?
I love the conversion and was a subscriber from beginning. You clearly don't shy away from a technical challange.
Looking at the numbers of the fuel consumption I assume that your mpg killer is the wind drag (24 city and 17 highway).
Did you consider relocating your tyre on the bonnet and re-arranging your roofrack so that you can use a wind deflector?
And last but not least you have to ask yourself: Do I need(!) MT tyres?
If it is just about improving your mpg - this would make most probably the biggest difference instantly.
If you want to take on the challenge of the gear box swap (just because you can) carry on and we will enjoy following your thread.
I think i need mt tires since my rover is not street queen . and being used every weekend almost.
Hey, never doubted that you use your Rangie properly?
Keep your MT's!
Still I would give the roof rack a thought. Maybe you can arrange it differently to reduce drag on highways.
Have you considered other options to increase the gearing of your rangie? Transfer case? Differentials?