classic range rover diesel conversion


Red Rover -- my cooling fan is not electric... I also have a custom built aluminum radiator that I can snap some pics of (although they're in the early pages of my thread too.)

Sounds like you know what you're doing! I'd love to see if you can tinker with the injection pump to dial up the MPGs a bit. 18 mpg around town is damn good, but a lot of guys can get low-to-mid 20s out of their 6.2s.


Let me know when you have a cost on the adapter kit. I already have the 6.2 talk to me brother :D

I already have the 6.2 talk to me brother :D[/QUOTE]

sure will do brother :) man i love the 6.2. with one phone call today i got

exhaust manifold gaskets
intake manifold gaskets
thermostat and the gasket
heavy duty starter
oil filter
all the 60 G glow plugs
all belts
injection pump solenoid 12 volt
glow plug controller
new heavy duty mechanical fuel pump

parts are everywhere and very affordable



Red Rover -- my cooling fan is not electric... I also have a custom built aluminum radiator that I can snap some pics of (although they're in the early pages of my thread too.)

Sounds like you know what you're doing! I'd love to see if you can tinker with the injection pump to dial up the MPGs a bit. 18 mpg around town is damn good, but a lot of guys can get low-to-mid 20s out of their 6.2s.

i am gonna talk to a guy here, not far from me who plays with those injection pumps. as his job se what he can recomend,
i dont see why we cant get over 20 mpg. i am gonna run my rover with 50/50 blend of WVO

the cooling part i am gonna use an electric fan out of MBZ e class, and it will be with manual switch for deep water fording.


I've been driving 6.2 powered toys for years in the Army and if you take care of them they are decent motors. I might even have less leaks with it under the hood lol.


I've been driving 6.2 powered toys for years in the Army and if you take care of them they are decent motors. I might even have less leaks with it under the hood lol.

6.2 or 6.5?

All the HMMWVs in our motor pool -- even the older ones -- have the 6.5.

All the dirty E Co. mechanics just look at me weird when I ask them about tuning the 6.2L :sombrero:

Mine doesn't leak a drop since I got it (3,000 miles so far) -- not a single drop. And I don't do anything but drive the piss out of it... the 3" pipe sounds so good that I stopped caring about trying to max the MPGs and basically stomp on it wherever I go. Doesn't seem to matter... worst I get is 17.5 mpg. From 2nd into 3rd it pulls gooooodddd.

Worst thing that's happened is eating the alternator belt (belt was too thin -- be careful, there are a MILLION belt options and only 2 of them are the correct width.. PM me if you need the part numbers) and my power-steering reservoir busted off its mount I just zip-tied that dude to the air cleaner and that's where it lives now. It's a GM 6.2... that'll do!


i am gonna talk to a guy here, not far from me who plays with those injection pumps. as his job se what he can recomend,
i dont see why we cant get over 20 mpg. i am gonna run my rover with 50/50 blend of WVO

the cooling part i am gonna use an electric fan out of MBZ e class, and it will be with manual switch for deep water fording.

I thought about toying with WVO blends... but I don't want to deal with distilling it and all that crap.. Are you going to install a separate tank and splice the fuel lines together? Or just mix it by hand?

I guess it depends if it's a toy truck or a daily driver... it sucks paying $3.89 for diesel ($80 to fill my truck)... but I carpool/ride motorcycle to work so I keep the costs down. And it's nice knowing I'm getting twice the miles for my $80 than every gas Rover I see on the road -- plus I'm sitting 3" over stock and hauling around an ARB/Warn xD.


I have experienced the 6.2 in HMMWV's and CuckV's, I think I might have been around the Army a little longer than you LT. :D


Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks that is silly.


i am gonna talk to a guy here, not far from me who plays with those injection pumps. as his job se what he can recomend,
i dont see why we cant get over 20 mpg. i am gonna run my rover with 50/50 blend of WVO

the cooling part i am gonna use an electric fan out of MBZ e class, and it will be with manual switch for deep water fording.

Very cool man cant wait to see it finished, btw the precups can also affect the mpg or power you get out of it..


I have experienced the 6.2 in HMMWV's and CuckV's, I think I might have been around the Army a little longer than you LT. :D

I've been trying to find some serious, serious mud or sand... I want to see how this motor does in 4L with real traction impediments. I will say that my 6.2 seems to get warm enough for the temp gauge to catch my eye in stop-and-go traffic in hot weather (85F, for example.)

I mean, I get it -- it's a 6.2L diesel, it'll get warm -- but I want to know how it'll respond when spinning my tires for 45 seconds through mud is my only option of getting home.


Also any plans to go turbo in the future??

I can't see needing a turbo for this configuration unless you're a pure HP junkie. Now some regearing I'd be interested in playing with -- I have a 5spd and my first is a definite granny gear (good), but my 5th gear needs to be a little taller... this motor will pull the Rover at 70-80 mph easily, it just needs some more legroom.

But for pure hp/torque numbers for the mil-spec/j code motor, I think it'd be inviting a host of problems you're ultimately trying to avoid by doing this conversion (i.e. adding turbo to NA motor.)
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I am, but then my truck is a little bit heavier too though..

On TTS (The Truck Stop) there's been a couple of builds that broke the 300hp mark on a dyno...


I am, but then my truck is a little bit heavier too though..

On TTS (The Truck Stop) there's been a couple of builds that broke the 300hp mark on a dyno...

You talkin' about your 2500?

Yeah, I'm sure you could boost the 6.2 into 300hp if you wanted to... but like I said for any sort of mild trail/expo build that would be completely unnecessary. Let's not forget the fulltime 4WD and the R380...

Don't get me wrong! Seeing a D1 or an RRC with a boosted 300hp NA GM diesel would be sweet... but my goal in a 6.2L truck was A) +50-100% mpg return over gas V8 and B) availability of cheap parts.

If you can show me that adding a turbo pushes MPG past the maximum possibility of a NA 6.2 (25 mpg is the highest documented I've seen, using fancy injection pump builds) without affecting reliability, then I'm all ears. 3+ months of 6.2 forum reads has led me to the conclusion that even the stock-ish turbos (like Gale Banks) don't necessarily improve either beyond horsepower numbers.

And hey, if you need more horses for your particular application, then by all means... plenty of people tow with their Rovers, etc etc. Turbos are definitely a legitimate option and are a 6.2 common upgrade -- they just don't appear to meet my anticipated needs (single built vehicle, medium load, long distance). By built I mean 31 maybe 32" tires, armor, roofrack, bumper(s) and winch.

I want a 900 mile truck on a single load (i.e. with 4 jerrycans) in 100% offroad conditions -- not necessarily 4L balls-to-the-wall -- but 900 miles without ever having to worry about fuel. Are there many instances I'll encounter 900 miles without services? Probably not... but hey, this is our hobby, right? And the whole point of the 6.2 is doing this on the cheap. :sombrero:

The 6.2 is damn close to that off the shelf so I'm excited to see what RedRover and his expertise will come up with... :wings:


Dream it build it
Why 6.2.


Where was the Land Rover Built?

6.2 is a big motor and personally I do not like the V8 design to work on.

Personally I would have gone OM617 (Mercedes) or if you must have "American" Cummins 4BT.

Mechanical pumps, iron blocks/heads, inline design, strong reliable motors, light (you need a whole lot less power if your motor is not the size of a small car).

Good luck with the build

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