Climb in!


We have a four year old and a two year old, both love our truck and call it 'theirs'..
Problem is getting in and out, so far I haven't decided on running board/ sliders, and am looking for an easy fix.. I saw a thread where an expo member built some grab handles on the back of the front seats for the kids to hang onto while off-road, wondering if anyone has put something similar together for them to climb in with.
Even a length of climbing rope hanging on the headrest posts with some knots tied in it would give them something to pull on..


New member
My four year old daughter is the size of a three year old and has had no problems getting into our 3" lifted 2001 4runner ever since I put our Stubbs Welding hd-sko sliders on. They make perfect steps for an athletic type kid. No doubt I'll need to help little brother until he's old enough, but it probably won't be too long since he's on course to be bigger than his sister before long.

Before I put the sliders on, I had the same concern and was brainstorming the same ideas, but the sliders resolved it for us.


I tried

I made some side steps out of tubular webbing and a wood dowel. I hung them from the roll cage and then the kid was supposed to throw them out and lift them back in after climbing in or out.

They sort of got in the way, but worked pretty well for a few weeks until I got cocky and used one...

Apparently not rated for 220 lbs...


I used a couple of lengths of 3/4 inch nylon rope. 1 is tied between the front mounting point for the rear seat and the rear mounting point for the front seat. It can hang out of the Jeep and be used as a step. The other is tied to the roll bar, knotted for handholds, then tied to the front mounting point on the rear seat. It also hangs out of the Jeep and can be used as both a step and a way for my daughter to pull herself up. She really likes the challenge of climbing in and out and is getting pretty good at it. I also just mounted up some rock rails so now she can climb in with little trouble. She pulls the rope up to get in, and then either she pulls them up behind her or I put them back in when I buckle her in. Only challenge is being willing to wait while they go through the slow act of climbing in and out. But it is good for developing her gross motor skills and she enjoys it.


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