gringo, thatsa nice pot howsumever i would fear the handle wouldn't survive if you ended up making coffee on a campfire
I tried the CGI french press. Makes good coffee but is a PIA to clean up.
mep, there is a simple fix for cleaning french presses
take a square of good quality HD paper towel just a bit larger than the diameter of the pot
separate the layers and place a single layer over the top of the pot before installing the press
this becomes an additional filtering layer and keeps the grounds from getting in the factory filter which my eyes read into your post as being the clean up issue
you only need to learn to press a bit slower...
once you decanter/pour up your freshly made coffee into your favorite cup/mug clean up is a breeze
remove the paper towel wrapped press, add a bit of water to the pot, swirl & sling the grounds over a grassy area, take the paper towel off the bottom of the press filter and dispose of it in the campfire, rinse the press and wipe the pot clean. VOILA
you can even use 4-cup drip coffee filters w/ the wrinkly edges trimmed down a bit instead of paper towling