Scott Brady
I received an email from the land owner of the Coke Ovens property. She is asking that the OHV community not trespass on their land, which includes the ovens and the home (what is left of it). They are having horrible vandalism issues, which is destroying that entire area.
I know that no one on this forum (and most in the area clubs) would vandalise that site, but lets respect the owners wishes and not drive in to the ovens if it is posted "no trespassing" or not (the signs are getting stolen or shot up).
UPDATE: Added Email Dialog from Family. Contact information removed.

I know that no one on this forum (and most in the area clubs) would vandalise that site, but lets respect the owners wishes and not drive in to the ovens if it is posted "no trespassing" or not (the signs are getting stolen or shot up).
UPDATE: Added Email Dialog from Family. Contact information removed.
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 9:47 PM
Subject: Coke Ovens trip
I have seen in your pictures that you have been right up to the coke ovens. I have read that they are on private land. Do you get permission from the owner to be there?
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Brady
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: RE: Coke Ovens trip
Hi Kara,
The Coke Ovens are on private land. There are just other ways to access the area and view the Ovens from a distance, without trespassing (if there is a trespassing issue at this time).
The southern route crosses the Gila near the old Cochran town site and the other parallels the Gila on the north side for several miles and then turns north at Walnut Canyon.
As far as the boundaries to the private land, I have not looked at a plat. I do know the actual ovens are on private land (or at least were), as many years ago one was modified for use as a unique motel.
Hope this help
What is your interest in the Ovens? Maybe I can help point you in the right direction for more information.
Scott Brady
Expeditions West
My interest in the ovens is that my family owns them and I am sick about people thinking that they can go onto private land without permission. I am more sick that people think they have to vandalize. I realize that you are not one of those people. They are a historical site and soon they won't be there anymore. I wanted to know if anyone actually knows that they are privately owned and that they are trespassing when visiting there. Sorry that I singled you out, but you were the only one that was readily accessible. I just wish there was something I could do to keep the riff raff out, but our hands are tied. The law is on everyone else's side, not the landowners. We put signs up and have fenced it, but it doesn't matter.
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Brady
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 10:07 PM
Subject: RE: Coke Ovens trip
I will update my website to reflect your wishes of no trespassing. I can also post the „no trespassing‰ request on the discussion forums that service Arizona OHV clubs. The effect it will have is minimal, as clubs rarely, if ever have vandalism problems. I even know of a few clubs that have done clean-up runs to the area of your property to fix some of the mess. The problem is the small groups of ATV and OHV users that are drinking and accessing the area. Nothing is sacred in their mind.
Historical sites throughout the area have been vandalized and destroyed. It is so heartbreaking that I do not go back to the Florence Junction area anymore. Martinez Canyon was closed for nearly a year due to vandalism.
5 million people are within a few hours of your property now∑an unsustainable situation.
Scott Brady
Expeditions West
Scott, I appreciate that. But, like you say, it won't do any good anyway. We have put 'No Trespassing' signs right on the property and it hasn't helped. So the OHV clubs are jeeps and such that go? I saw one site that had 4-wheelers and dirt bikes pictures. I can imagine those are the people tearing up the roads as well.
I also appreciate that you appreciate the land. As I said before, I know you aren't one that is vandalizing.
Again, I apologize for singling you out. I was upset last night after seeing so many sites with pictures. But it is something that we have to live with because it will never be stopped. Pretty soon there won't be anything left to go see anyway.
Thanks for hanging in there with me!!
I forgot to mention:
I had no idea that people have gone out to pick up the place. That is a very nice gesture and I will be sure and tell my father that is being done. That does show that there are good people left. Thank you.
From: William Lorenz -
Subject: Coke Oven Info
Scott -
We understand that you have been in contact with Kara Traut, daughter of Donn Lorenz, the Coke Oven property owner. She mentioned that you may want more information on this property.
Attached find photos of the Coke Oven property, circa 1992, in the original condition. Also note photo of fence repair across the trail.
See following email with property boundaries.
William Lorenz
Son of Donn, owner
Thank you so much for the email and follow-up. I apologize for the delayed reply, as I have been on an expedition to the Arctic:
The images you share are heartbreaking. When I first started traveling to the ovens, your father still lived on the property. It was always a pleasure to visit.
Now, most of the area has been ransacked by our growing population of wildcat OHV’ers, principally ATV and dirt bike riders. I am sorry that your family must see the degradation of your fathers land and property at the hands of selfless individuals.
With your permission, I will post some of the images you sent to show the destruction of the property and how it looked in the past.
Is there any way the OHV community can support your family? I will relay your wishes to the community. Can we do a clean-up, post signs, help with maintenance, etc.? If your wish is that we simply “keep out”, then we will gladly respect that as well.
All the best Sir.
Scott Brady
Expeditions West, LLC

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