----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Brady
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: RE: Coke Ovens trip
Hi Kara,
The Coke Ovens are on private land. There are just other ways to access the area and view the Ovens from a distance, without trespassing (if there is a trespassing issue at this time).
The southern route crosses the Gila near the old Cochran town site and the other parallels the Gila on the north side for several miles and then turns north at Walnut Canyon.
As far as the boundaries to the private land, I have not looked at a plat. I do know the actual ovens are on private land (or at least were), as many years ago one was modified for use as a unique motel.
Hope this help
What is your interest in the Ovens? Maybe I can help point you in the right direction for more information.
Scott Brady
Expeditions West