Coleman Stove Mod?


If I were to use unleaded fuel, I would definitely drain for storage.
Nice collection BTW.

It will definitely work.

Thanks! That's not all of the collection, just all I had handy when taking the pic. Always on the lookout for more. The hunt is the fun part. You start off looking for anything, then to what you want, then on to the rare stuff.

Like with a lot of worthless junk, eBay is ruining it. People are paying $30 plus shipping for common stuff there, so every seller with a rusty lantern thinks they have a gold mine now.

I call them worthless because, amongst lantern collectors, most stuff we price at $8. By the time you take any old lantern and put a new globe on it or a new generator, you've put more into it than it's worth. It's not a hobby you make any money on, that's for sure.

I've had a lot of fun with them though and use them all the time, especially now, with such short days. I really hope we get some snow this year. A long, drunk walk in the snowy woods at night with a lantern was one of my favorite things I did this year.


Yeah, I get it. Last time I got out the old lantern was 8-10 yrs. ago, during power outage.
BTW, My dads old 242c.

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