Collection of Trailer Builds


If you never leave dry asphalt then no, save the money. Even on a washboard gravel road they may save you from a crash. On real terrain they are a must for me.


I finished building my utility trailer and decided to build another one specifically for camping. I roughed out a basic design, purchased enough metal to get going and actually started welding. Out of the blue I came across a trailer for next to nothing and decided it was too good to pass up. With a few minor exceptions it is exactly what I had planned to build anyway. It has given me a big head start on my second trailer and I now have one for each Jeep!

One for hauling "stuff" ...

... and one for future camping.


Sorta off topic, how many of you have trailer brakes on you Expo trailer. Mine will be a 6'x5' cargo area around 24" total height, frame will be 2" x 3" square tubing thinking maybe channel over tubing (dont know yet). Typical load will be some extra fuel, water, spare tire, maybe one day a RTT, and other small items. Would you suggest an axle with brakes?
Mine cost me about 320 australian for the brake Kitt but as I was building from scratch I got a credit against that of around 120 for the standard hitch and hubs off the suspension package.
So pretty cheap realy


Sorta off topic, how many of you have trailer brakes on you Expo trailer. Mine will be a 6'x5' cargo area around 24" total height, frame will be 2" x 3" square tubing thinking maybe channel over tubing (dont know yet). Typical load will be some extra fuel, water, spare tire, maybe one day a RTT, and other small items. Would you suggest an axle with brakes?

I chose to have trailer brakes installed on mine for the simple reason that I didn't want to get in a strange position off road and have the trailer pushing me down a spot or dragging me down a hill. Plus the added braking performance behind my wrangler doesn't hurt. It has paid off already having the brakes during a trip to the San juans earlier this year.

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For passanger cars in Europe the maximum weight of a trailer without brakes is limited to 750kg . Surprisingly most Jeeps only allow 450kg for those trailers, so you need brakes on the trailer if you want to fill up a Bantam with firewood and stay streetlegal. But the brakes help a lot offroad and in the mountains too.



Australia is 750 limit before needing brakes in most states 2, my TD should come in less I hope but went for brakes for safty and incase somehow I went over I wouldn't need to have extra expense altering it


I run them on all my trailers, regardless of how small they are. On my two bigger trailers (M101A2 & M101A3) both have surge brakes with manual parking brakes as well. On my M416 Expo build I run electric brakes and manual parking brake as well. Makes life very easy when driving, in snow, down steep hill, etc. The parking brakes are superb and I will never go back. When I swapped axles on my 416 the shop I went to had no idea you could order a hand brake over an electric set up, but they finally called after much persistence from me. Well worth it and like mentioned here very little cost for the added safety and ease of use.

Sorta off topic, how many of you have trailer brakes on you Expo trailer. Mine will be a 6'x5' cargo area around 24" total height, frame will be 2" x 3" square tubing thinking maybe channel over tubing (dont know yet). Typical load will be some extra fuel, water, spare tire, maybe one day a RTT, and other small items. Would you suggest an axle with brakes?


I run them on all my trailers, regardless of how small they are. On my two bigger trailers (M101A2 & M101A3) both have surge brakes with manual parking brakes as well. On my M416 Expo build I run electric brakes and manual parking brake as well. Makes life very easy when driving, in snow, down steep hill, etc. The parking brakes are superb and I will never go back. When I swapped axles on my 416 the shop I went to had no idea you could order a hand brake over an electric set up, but they finally called after much persistence from me. Well worth it and like mentioned here very little cost for the added safety and ease of use.
Yea the handbrake feature is awsum.good from stability ect in the camping sinario and also for storage or parking on steep slopes....just remember to release it! I've got what you call surge brakes on mine running discs

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