Thank you for the feedback. I was working the photos on my phone, ill have to move to the computer for resizing.
The kettle/fireplace. Search for turkish tea kettle, or samovar. There are many styles, lots of them are very fancy and not practical for this type of use. But this one came right off good ol amazon. I added some latches to the side to hold it down, but its still easily removable for cleaning if needed. Or i can use it outside if i want. this one is really cool because air holes and chimney seem to be perfectly tuned. Once you get a flame going and it warms just a little, the air moves like a rocket stove, and you have high pressure flames shooting out the chimney (in a good way, not a dangerous way). Its impressive. With the right fuel (wood sticks or instant light charcoal) it will boil a gallon of water im 5-8 minutes. Steam will be pushing out the side of the lid and around the chimney. So its nice to be able to use it outside as well sometimes.
the chimney is simple galvanized steel sheet and tube from lowes. The seams are taped, and through the side wall, its doubled up so i dont burn the house down. It works very well, and i havent had any over heat issues.
Also, its just big enough inside to set up charcoal in a slow burn snake setup (like low-slow bbq setup) or you can buy slow burn charcoal. It will then burn for hours. Wood burns very fast because of the air flow.