It appears that no system of mobile human waste handling is perfect but has anyone else considered the pros & cons of using an incinerating toilet in their larger rigs? All human waste is converted to sterile ash. Think about it, no more dumping, no water usage, only ash to handle, and smoke cool is that? Incinolet provides an interesting 'incinerating toilet vs. composting toilet' comparison chart. Their 'RV' model uses electricity to power the burn but requires 120 volts @ 15 amps. Another supplier of these types of toilets, Ecojohn has an SR5 model which uses only 12V DC: 1.5 Amps to power the auger and optional fan and uses propane to power the 'burn cycle'. Any 'chimney' odor is eliminated with the optional catalytic converter. Their much larger and heavier SR 12 model can burn with propane, natural gas or diesel.