Concealed Carry - What Have You Got?


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I carry a s&w 357 magnum 2 inch barrel with hand loads I make for it 180gr hollow points. in a custom leather holster my uncle in texas made me


New member
My every day carry gun is an XD45 Compact. It has a combat/carry 4.5 pound trigger job done by Scott at Springer Precision and Trijicon night sites with a green front dot and yellow rears. I have a Lasermax guide rod laser in it and I absolutely love it. The laser is pulsed (blinks rapidly) and is much easier to 'pick up' in brushy woods than a constant-on laser. The only downside with this laser is short battery life (about an hour) so I use 'old' batteries for practice and always keep fresh ones in the gun. I carry it loaded 10+1 with 230 grain Federal HST +Ps and a 13 round reload on my weak side. It's in a Comp-Tac MTAC IWB hybrid at ~4:30 with tons of forward cant. My reload is in a leather Comp-Tac IWB single mag pouch and both ride on a Wilderness Tactical reinforced Instructor's Belt. I switched to the Instructor's Belt about five years ago when I lost some weight and my Comp-Tac leather gun belt was too big. I very much prefer the Instructor's Belt as it's very thin and more comfortable when sitting in a truck all day, and it can also work as an emergency climbing harness. Other than my belt I've carried this exact setup every single day with zero changes for a bit over ten years and have more than 12,000 rounds through it without a single malfunction of any kind. There is absolutely nothing I would change about my setup, it's perfectly tuned to my needs. :)


Picked up a Sig P320 Compact in 9mm. Waiting for my Hidden Hybrid Holster for it to come in. It is slightly bigger than my M&P 9C, but feels so much better in my hand.


I was carrying a Sig P239 , 40, in a Ryan Grizzle OWB holster. Last week I picked up a Ruger LCP II, a true "pocket" gun. I got a Desantis "Nemesis" to carry it in, very comfortable. I dress very casual, so far this has been really comfortable to carry. I've always been a believer in stopping power and am giving some of that up with the .380, I'm using Hornady Critical Defense 90GR FTX.



Bill Idaho

New member
Up until I retired awhile ago, a G18 on my strong side and a G26 on my support wide. After I retired I run a G19 on my strong side with the G26 on the other. A G19 mag for a spare, a Strider BT worn upside down on my belt (works good, with an additional safety strap for retention), a CRKT M16-14 (strong side) with an American Kami custom (support side) for daily chores. And a Pat Rodgers challenge coin.


In my thinner days, I carried an RMR'd G19 in custom Dale Fricke Kydex. Now I'm sporting an M&P Shield 9mm in a Tier 1 Concealed Kopis.

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