Conserving water tips.


Some great ideas.
Like others the body cleaning, except hands usually, is done with body wipes.
We use Reliance water jugs with a spigot, for hands we just get a dribble to get the hands just wet, then shut off and lather up, then turn the spigot to just better than a dribble and quickly rinse...not too much soap and just enough water to wet the hands as you rinse.
For dishes if we used a skillet or large pan for cooking after the scraping/paper towel wipe out/K9 cleaning crew I put 1/2 cup or so of water and bring to a boil only use soap with greasy foods. Then wash utensils in the boiling water with a scrub brush. The boiling water/steam will kill all germs and is a good remover of stuck food. If I only have utensils I will usually do the same but using the coffee pot and put the utensils in it. The height of the coffee pot helps keep the steam around the utensils, has a small diameter so not a lot of water is required to get some depth, still 1/2 c water or so.
My hair??? I just wear a hat most days. I have a Simple Shower, have used it at home to figure out easily get the water temp right and confirm a 2l bottle will do all I need, but never seem time to use it on the trail.
For my dog I have a seal-able container she drinks out of so unless she tips it over or it gets full of dirt no water is ever wasted.
When hunting (2 weeks 2 guys) in the full size camper we get a jug of creek water and use a dedicated pan for filling/flushing the toilet so we don't use all of the good drinking water.

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All great advice here. Much of it is specific to what type of camping you do but all good stuff.

We camp mostly at state parks & campgrounds & have an 18' camper. Small but has everything we need. I did not think the microwave was a big deal but the more i camp, the more i seem to use it. I like to pre-cook as much stuff as possible before leaving. It makes meal times SO MUCH more enjoyable when weather is bad (it is bad frequently around me). Set up your plate, pop it in & in 1 minute or so, steaming hot meal. I also have a small microwave I can throw in my truck & run off the inverter set up. Great for hunting meals in the field or a hot meal when fishing on a day trip w/out the camper. We also burn our paper garbage when we start our campfire. I know many places camp fires are not allowed. Glad we can have them---at least for now anyways. I'm sure NYS will pass a law on that too someday.


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I use 5 gal food grade NATO cans (the blue ones) for my water. My one complaint about these is spillage. You waste a lot of water just dumping some in a pot to cook with. I wish I had a simple food grade hand pump that attached to the mouth of these cans.

I use the Sceptre MWC too. I modified mine to add 15psi of air.


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