Containerized: Retromod Global Tacoma


Well, spent some time in the shop today and I think it's safe to say things are really coming along. Still probably two months away from having the truck done (target is completion August 1), but I thought those following this build might want to see an update.

We changed the profile of the bumper to make it stick out a little more in the front. This allows more protection for the headlamp housings. Part of why we haven't had the plates waterjetted yet is we want to continue to play with this cardboard mock-up and make sure everything fits perfectly before we commit to any welding that might need to be undone.



There's still a little sheetmetal work to be done to make the 80 lamps look like they belong there. But, when it's done, they'll look completely factory. We're even going to recut the hood so the shut line is even with where the 80 Series corner marker meets the clear headlamp lens.


We cut up a salvaged 80 Series grille that will be blended into the new (waterjetted) grille, so the inside edge of the headlamps will have a nice "seam" on which to meet the grille.


The lower two openings in the grille will hold two-row XMITTERs (flood pattern). Should be plenty of light, and they'll be hidden behind the grille.


I've gotten a few questions about the tailgate modification. The truth is, it's pretty straightforward. To make the Tacoma stock tailgate release hardware fit, you'll need to mount the Toyota logo about 3/4" below where it would be "centered" on a late 1970's Hilux tailgate. But the curvature of the two tailgates is extremely similar, if not identical, so if you've cut carefully, you can tack it right into place. Some bodywork and paint, and it'll look like it was there all along.



I'd originally wanted to stay with near-stock sizes, but the temptation to move to the 255/85R16 KM2's finally caught up with me.


A photo taken while fitting the ICON Stage 4 stuff:


We've played around with different paintjob ideas. I am not a big fan of vinyl - I've done it on race cars in the past, and even had some of the vinyl graphics under clearcoat on my last Porsche (997 GT3), but it never looks quite as "clean" or "factory" as paint with two layers of clear. This is a paintbooth 16ga aluminum test panel shot with a white base and then three different mixes of orange to imitate the look of the 1982 Toyota OE vinyl set. The panel was then hit with a layer of clear, re-prepped, and hit with a second coat of clear. It passes the "fingernail test" (can just *barely* feel an edge where the color meets the white). Sometime in July, the front fenders, hood, front doors, tailgate, bed will be disassembled, prepped and shot this way. Should be pretty cool and complete the retro effect.





The original scheme we'll imitate with the final paintwork (but modernize a bit with the shades of orange, and modify to fit this truck's lines):

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Very cool. I see that I am not the only one that has thought about the retro tailgate look on a newer truck.



I can remember about 20 years ago discarding a tailgate with that old Toyota imprint from the bed of my 1981 pickup. The lower portion was so rusty it was structurally questionable. The replacement affermarket steel worked perfectly for another 18 years, but I missed that old imprint the whole time.

This is an amazing project. And that tailgate is my favorite part.

Good job! Following the updates with interest.

Let me know if you need the hubcaps from a 1981 (2WD) to complete the look. They're still around here someplace...



Expedition Leader
wow, thats what you call a make over. still not sure how i feel about the headlights but ill hold off till its done. the old headlights just dont seem like it will project as much light as new headlights these days



What kind of wheels are those on the truck?

Are they powdercoated or painted?

I'm looking forward to seeing the bed.



austintaco - Honestly, it's not a tough mod if you've got a late 1970's tailgate (less than $70 if you're patient on eBay) and some welding ability.

4xdog - Glad you approve. As much as I'd have loved to stay steel, I went with alloys for a variety of reasons. Thanks for the kind words.

toyotech - For real off-road work, we have XMITTERS small (2"x2") and large (8" bi-level) mounted. The FJ80 lamps are more for looks than anything.

njtacoma - They're ATX Mojaves stripped and powdercoated white.


New member
This has to be the single most interesting Tacoma build I've ever seen. :eek: Cannot wait for more pics! Well done sir.


You should get ahold of
4WD ToyotaOwner magazine before u take it across the pond, I bet they would love to see it and maybe even do a write-up on it. Nice work so far.


So, after a few more days of work, I think the 2012 Taco is starting to look legitimately old-school. Thought I should post an update. The rear frame modification is well underway, and it should provide most if not all of the stiffness of a Hilux. I'm headed back to Africa next week, so I'll get to do some back-to-back comparison. Most of the visible work these past few days, however, has focused on the front end and finishing up the aesthetics of the front end conversion. This is not the final grille, only the supports. The final grille will be black mesh (expanded steel) sandwiched between what you see here and a 0.125" waterjetted trim panel that will cover these supports. The XMITTERS will be behind the grille.

The lip on the hood is a little extreme and overhangs the grille and the headlamps, so I think we're going to recut it and lean it back a bit to match the profile of the grille a bit better.

Overall, I'm very happy with how things are coming along...



The little 2"x2" LEDs are fog pattern and will be trimmed in with sheetmetal to look stock. They're recessed that far for protection.




Some people had asked about the bracketry needed to fit different generations of Toyota truck headlamps. It's not an easy front-date/back-date process, since the brackets are different, but we were able to use a lot of the stock FJ80 mounting hardware. What we couldn't get from salvaged 80's was fabricated from heavy-gauge sheet or 0.125" plate.



Even with these extensive modifications, the stock hood release still lines up and works like new.


A few people had asked about the tailgate. It's nearly ready for paint!




Love the tailgate!!! Quick question though, is there going to be more added to the front bumper? Seems as though you'd want it to stick out atleast a little in front of the headlights. Hard to tell from the pics but seems like it sits flush right now.


fire931 - What you're seeing is just the sheetmetal below the headlamps where the license plate will be mounted on the passenger side. That's basically trim, not a bumper.

Look back in this thread to see the bumper that is being waterjetted from steel plate and will completely hide the winch.

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