Looks like you're path is getting a bit more parrallel to mine, you're just subbing out some of the fiberglass plys for wood plys.
Offhand I'd be shocked if you'd need metal framing in the cabover if you're doing 2" foam sheathed in plywood and then fiberglass. Since this is a hardside camper and not a pop-up (which I'm doing and it makes things more complicated) your cabover is now just a big box tube. If you make your panels well and tie them together well it should be fine. When you're serious on a build a calc could be ran to verify everything, worst case you'd need a little more fiberglass on the outside.
Here's my long winded take on things.
If it was me doing your design here's how I'd build panels:
1.) Since you're doing 2" thick foam try and track down some of the 60psi compression strength stuff, from my pricing its only a buck or so more on a 2'x8' sheet.
2.) Buy your foam in 2'x8' sheets, its usually more readily available, will be easier to handle and will work out for point three.
3.) Third to really make sure your skins are tied together rock solid (thats how this type of structure needs to work) I'd add in plywood strips the thickness of the foam between the two plywood skins. Strips that are 2' apart running the long span of the camper design would likely be adequate, doing a 2'x2' grid would be even more robust. 2' also conveniently fits the standard panel width. [Note these next steps can be done in stages, not all at once] Use thickened epoxy (epoxy and wood flour would be good) and glue these and any other wood blocking you've deemed necessary to one side of the skin, narrow crown stable from the other side of the skin to pull it all together while the epoxy sets. Then cut all your foam pieces to fit the spaces, rough them up with ~50grit sandpaper. Coat the plywood skin and wood strips with plain epoxy, coat the foam with a mirco slurry (1 part epoxy, 1 part micro balloons) and push them into place. Ideally these should have been friction fit but if there are gaps fill them in with micro (ideally a even thicker mixture of epoxy and micro balloons). Then coat the foam side of the other skin with plain epoxy and lay it over top of the panel (a bit of thickened epoxy over the wood strips would be good too), narrow crown stable it along the wood strips to snug it all together while it cures.
3.a.) The above just rushed ahead and completed a side of the camper assuming you had it all figured out, in reality you'll probably be doing a bit of thinking on the fly. So I'd say do the outer skin, attach the wood striping, glue in as much of the foam as you think you definitely won't need to mess with and friction fit the rest for now. Then put your camper together, have wood blocking on the edges to screw things together temporarily. Just lay a sheet of wood over the walking surfaces inside so you don't beat up the foam for now. Figure out any interior features that would require structural backing, etc. and cut out foam appropriately to fit the backing in. If you want to bury the electrical conduits router those in, etc. Then when all that is done pull it back apart, bond in the rest of the foam and any new blocking, etc. and then finish the other skin.
4.) Now that you have rock solid panels fiberglass the outer surfaces of them in the horizontal, it'll be much easier. Then when all pieces are done you put them together by first applying thickened epoxy between the panels (if you did the 3.a. step use those same screw blocks to hold things while the epoxy cures). Use thickened epoxy to fillet all the inside corners. Then use fiberglass strips (with the fibers on +/- 45deg to the joint) on each side of the joint to lock it all together.
5.) Fair the surfaces, prime and paint.
Obviously that was a really high over view but gives the general idea.