I'm a member of the Indian Team BHP forum; there are often interesting threads about Mahindras there. This isn't strictly about Mahindras, but it is a problem Mahindra owners in India have to contend with...
Someone started a thread there the other day entitled "Car covers with spikes for protection from monkeys / animals". In India, monkeys are as common as squirrels are here in the northeast U.S. They're very bold, even aggressive, and some of them are quite large. The OP of the thread is wondering how he can keep monkeys from jumping on and denting his car. He wonders if something like this will do it:
The consensus in the forum is no, that will not work. Someone suggested toy motorized snakes on the roof because monkeys are afraid of snakes, but monkeys are pretty smart and it wouldn't take them long to realize the snakes were fake.
The best suggestion on the thread was to install a roof rack. That wouldn't protect the hood, but it should do a pretty good job for the roof.
I remember taking a photo of a troop of monkeys taking over a Mahindra while visiting the ancient city of Hampi a few years ago, but I couldn't find that photo. There were two species involved, and the two were struggling for control of the Mahindra - it was quite a spectacle.
I did find this photo taken on the same trip to Hampi, the swami-ji of the Vijanagar temple there (he's here:
http://www.hampividyaranyamutt.org/) feeds the monkeys every morning and invite me to join him.
Back to monkeys on vehicles - on another road trip in Rajasthan we visited the Ranakpur Jain temple (
https://www.earthtrekkers.com/ranakpur/) and on the way out through a narrow, curving jungle road this Langur monkey decided to hitch a ride on our side mirror. He jumped up from the side of the road while the car was moving, road along for a few miles and when he decided we weren't interesting, he jumped off.
The main pests in my yard here are chipmunks digging burrows under sidewalks and deer eating every plant in site. I guess I'd rather have those pests than monkeys