Cool Tool

Owyhee H

I just wanted to give a heads up on a cool toy. It is not intended for recovery but is great for many other uses. For full disclosure I do know the owner and builder of the product but in no way am part of the business or profiting from this in any way.
The toy is a "BringAlong" which is a small lightweight come-along. I have one of these and it is really easy to use and couldn't get easier to carry. I personally pulled a utility trailer out of a gully when it had gone off the road. The Bringalong was way easier than the come-along that I was using in tandem and was way faster to operate.
This is not really useful for vehicle extraction but could be used for many other things, especially when you are on your own.
Here is the link.

The owner, manufacturer, designer is a licensed PE mechanical engineer who machines and builds these tools by hand himself, in the US. The work is amazing and he is a perfectionist in every way.

Just giving a heads up on a fun and useful tool.:beer:


OverCamping Specialist
Have him run a virus scan on his site.
I just tried to go to the URL from Boeing, and it blocked me.
I would like the see the tool.
The external Web site you have requested is blocked due to additional virus filtering.
Requested URL domain:
Filter Category: none


Boeing blocks web site categories that contain inappropriate content, those that contain malicious code, and those that provide services that may be unsafe to the Boeing network and or its resources.

Virus filtering is implemented any time a website has been compromised. When the site is no longer infected the block will be removed and access to the site will be restored.

If you think this site has been blocked in error, please contact Security Monitoring and Response via email:Click here, explain if business impacting.

Owyhee H

The EZ pull on the same site is also pretty cool and a better price. Still spendy but that is what a small company with all US made pieces costs.


Have him run a virus scan on his site.
I just tried to go to the URL from Boeing, and it blocked me.
I would like the see the tool.

I don't think the website has virus. Your network dept has url filtering software which block "inappropriate content". The site has word "analysis". Most of the url filtering software has the word "@nal" in its "database definition".


I would like the see the tool.



Except for the price, that is pretty cool.


This tool has TONS of potential uses with SAR, trail repairs, using it in the garage... Heck - I bet this thing would be really handy on deployment (maybe I can get the Navy to buy one for me ;) ).

But there are about two-dozen other things on my "Need / Want" list in that price range.


Expedition Leader
That is very cool. We have a guy in our club who carries a larger, clunkier version of something like that, and it is really useful on occasion, like when your vehicle is hing up on rocks and pulling it forward or backward will result in damage, and you're in a tight canyon and can't get a straight winch pull.... like this!




That is very cool. We have a guy in our club who carries a larger, clunkier version of something like that, and it is really useful on occasion...

Yeah - a good quality come-a-long can be a great recovery tool. But the small one that's the subject of this thread is only rated up to 600 lbs.


OverCamping Specialist
I don't think the website has virus. Your network dept has url filtering software which block "inappropriate content". The site has word "analysis". Most of the url filtering software has the word "@nal" in its "database definition".
Thanks, I have seen that pop up before on a few sites.
It always worry us, as they monitor most PC activity.
Thanks for the pics.
At home now, and I am able to view the site too with no problem.

Owyhee H

Yeah this tool is definitely not meant for recovery unless it is of an ATV or Motorcycle. Has many other uses though, and at 2.8lbs it doesn't hurt to have it in the gear.


Expedition Leader
2.8 lbs pulling 600lbs. I bet you could right a flopped rig with it and use it to help reseat a bead on a tire. Then use it to hold the mangled rigs doors shut to get it off the trail then pull the core suport out enough to free up the fan so it will run........Ive been tring to justify that thing all day!


What is the load factor? It is rated for a SWL of 600# but is it tested at 5:1 or 15:1 or??? Is the limiting factor the 4 screws holding the side plates, the ratchet mechanism, the axel or the rope?

Also what is the rope - looks like polypropylene. Replace with spectra (pricier) and have a 15:1 safety factor with the same rating and could be great for backcountry SAR and meet NFPA specs...

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