Cooler SIZE survey


I have a Yeti roadie 20. Very stout but it doesn't keep the ice as long as the bigger ones due to the size (can't hold as much ice). I know you mentioned the Yeti, but another option for you, if you didn't see it, is the Igloo Yukon. It is on REI's outlet page. It is the larger 70 quart. It is marked down pretty substantially to begin with, take another 20% off during the sale and it takes it down to just about $200. Reviews other than the REI site are pretty good. With my dividend it would be free. I just don't know how much I would use it since I have a couple fridge/freezers.

Like I said, it isn't a Yeti, but a good deal none the less!

Hmm good find, it looks like a nice Yeti/Engel/Pelican competitor for a hundred $ less.

I wound up ordering the 65 quart Yeti in expedition blue. Oh darn that was supposed to be white, oh well I won't be in the cool club now :) Planning to put it to the test this weekend, I'll post up my impressions.

It was interesting to see 2 lines of thought here, small 20-35 qt cooler just for perishables, leaving drinks and the like out, and larger 45qt+ coolers so that everything can be kept cold. I can see the advantages of each, part of my decision was made by the fact that I have a full size truck and space isn't much of a premium - we'll see if my reasoning changes once my Scout is operational. I did check that the Yeti 65 will fit behind the back seat in between the wheel wells, so I'm good there.


I have the Roadie 20, the 45, and the 65. Summer I will use more than one. Food in one, drinks in the other. Less you open any cooler the better off you are. If I could just have one, 65 hands down.

My 65 is blue and it's awesome. Others white- less awesome!


New member
When I bought the Engel 65, we still had a large dog, with cage. I would never have gotten 2 suitable coolers in with dog, kitchen stuff, duffle bags. Had to give up dog due to allergy issue, so in retrospect, 2 would have been preferred. However, I am hoping the divider and wire racks will improve usability. Will likely holesaw the divider up a bit to help keep the whole thing close to equal temp. Pulling out divider to use as cutting board sounds like an exercise best not done with pulling all your cold items out, etc.

For anyone interested, yes you could make your own divider, but it was very economical. The freight to Canada hurt a bit, but the CDN distributor won't order the racks or dividers. They told me they feel customers won't use them. I think it isn't their business, as long as they sell...


Tar Heel
I've got the 65, Carolina Blue (of course).

I went with this because it is the largest that fits in my Cherokee longways with the backseat upright and it can hold enough food for over a week. That and I plain don't need a fridge freezer for what I do.


Got the cooler yesterday, running a very important scientific test today ... How well will it keep a couple of 12 packs cold (new Belgium and Firestone assortments, if you must know). Pre cooled the cooler with some frozen water bottles, then filled to the brim with beer and ice.

Will post my findings ... About the beer and the cooler.

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