I have read that in the past but couldn't find the link. Thanks!
I had noticed most people mentioned installing a clutch and converting to manual. But after reading the first article it seems that I could get an automatic tdi. Is that correct? That would be a bit less work on an automatic disco, right?
OP, I don't know if you're still thinking about this but I would like to share some of my observations with you since I recently went down this road and decided not to do it:
any engine swap is a lot of work. Doesn't matter what your putting into your truck it will take a lot of money and a lot of time, and you will underestimate the amount of both required to finish the job. Of course there are folks who have swapped a Saturn V rocket into their truck for $3.27 in two weeks, but I digress. What is your time worth? I have a lot of people who I have to give my time and attention to, so I find that my free time is rather expensive. I am capable of doing the work, but came to the conclusion that I needed to be doing something else with my time other than wrenching on a 17 year old disco for a month or two. Considering you're looking into getting married I would expect someone will be a tad more interested in your time with you than you may think.
If you have a solidly running truck it's not worth the money. If your truck has a blown motor then maybe, but you'd still be better off buying a different truck. Today's national average price for a gallon of regular gas from a brand name pump is $3.48. The highest average ever was $4.11 in July of 2008. [Both figures from the daily fuel gauge report on the AAA website] For arguments sake let's agree on a cost of $3.60 for a gallon of fuel. My rover gets 12mpg with the lift and it's old ignition system. A fair bet on a mild 300 TDI in the same truck would be 22mpg on the conservative side.
Here's some math I posted in my thread over on TDIclub:
My fuel tank holds 18 gallons. Gas here in San Diego fluctuates between $3.60 and $4.00 a gallon. Diesel costs between $3.90 and $4.40 a gallon. I’m basing my calculations around today’s costs, but the cost difference per gallon stays about the same between gas and diesel (around $.40/gallon).
$3.60 x 18 = $64.80 to fill the tank with gas.
$3.90 x 18 = $70.20 to fill the tank with diesel.
Gas range is a nominal 220 miles per tank averaging 12mpg
Diesel range is anticipated to be 396 miles per tank averaging 22mpg
212 miles / $64.80 = 3.27 miles per fuel dollar
396 miles / $70.20 = 5.64 miles per fuel dollar
That equals an additional 2.37 miles per dollar spent on fuel with the diesel swap. If I spend $10,000 on the swap, it will take roughly 23,700 miles just to reach the break even.
Even if you are able to get it done for $6500, that's over 15,000 miles you have to put on the truck to just reach the break even. If you can get a good motor to swap into your truck with the appropriate trans for significantly less than $6500 the math keeps getting better, but I'd wager your buying a blown up piece of crap or getting swindled. Everyone I have called and talked to has been between $6000-$7000 plus freight and any upgrades for anything in decent shape.
Lastly a disco isn't worth anything when it comes time to move on or if someone totals it.
At the end of the day you can do whatever you want, and if you want a disco with a TDI then go for it. For my money it wasn't worth it but your milage may vary.