Crazy winch deal


Expedition Leader
There back..

Well, Guess someone got wise because it says one in stock but it SURE isn't cheap anymore! 1206 bucks and change! Yikes!


Most of the current crop of diesel trucks can run these.


I don't follow this logic. Yeah, most modern diesel consumer trucks e.g. Ford F350, etc. have 2 batteries, but they're wired in parallel, for cranking power, not series, so it's still a 12V system. You'd need at least 1 extra house battery on board, wired in series to the main grounded batteries to be able to use a 24V winch as-is on a consumer truck or SUV. The most likely market for a 24V winch is perhaps ex-military surplus trucks, that haven't yet been converted down to 12V, but that seems like a pretty limited market to me.


They are somewhat slow but strong as hell and very durable. These are what most of the camel trophy guys ran. I think Bill Burke still runs one. You would just need two batteries to run them. A lot of the guys in England / Europe who do the winching competitions run their winches at 24v.

Apart from the 24v part, are they worth having?

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I just got the last one! I couldn't believe it was still there. It will be for sale as soon as I get it.

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I don't follow this logic. Yeah, most modern diesel consumer trucks e.g. Ford F350, etc. have 2 batteries, but they're wired in parallel, for cranking power, not series, so it's still a 12V system. You'd need at least 1 extra house battery on board, wired in series to the main grounded batteries to be able to use a 24V winch as-is on a consumer truck or SUV. The most likely market for a 24V winch is perhaps ex-military surplus trucks, that haven't yet been converted down to 12V, but that seems like a pretty limited market to me.

Well that tells you how long it's been since I screwed around with diesel trucks. Crap!!!

Ok, I'll cancel one and keep one and see if it'll sell. I'm willing to take the chance for the price of 1.



Wow at 160 that's crazy. If anyone gets tracking info on there's. I'd be very very interested to know. Or if its just a fluke.

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