crawler#976 said:
No one from the Antelope Foundation spoke at this meeting - they probably attended one or more of the prior 7 meetings closer to Phx.
No hunters spoke at this meeting. No recreational target shooters spoke either.
Interesting, but I guess they are happy with alternative "e" and didn't feel the need to be there.
Only one rancher and his wife spoke- they operate a ranch within the Monument, and he was pleased with the results of Alt E as well. I complimented him for his work on the surrounding public lands - it is in better shape graze wise than any other I've seen recently. Even during the drought they have not exceeded holding capacity.
Very cool, public land grazing in the southwest can be done right, but it is a lot harder in terms of money for the rancher, so I applaud anyone that can do it.
Approx half the crowd was done up in the PC grunge look. It's my personal opinion that these folks would be much more effective if they chose to represent themselves with a more "normal" look. The dirty dreadlock, unkempt look doesn't do their intelligence justice.
I agree with you here. Of course, to each his own ya know, but I still agree.
The Wilderness Coalition and Sierra Club made a pitch to the students of PC prior to the meeting, and they raised a few talking points on expanding the areas having wilderness characteristics through out the management area, and suggesting portions of the Agua Fria Nat. Mon. (Specifically tributaries of the Agua Fria) be designated as scenic and wild river area.
That is to be expected, your making posts here to bring folks out is the same as SC announcing this meeting at PC. Both sides know how important public comment is. I've not actually hiked or been through Agua Fria NM since I was a kid. I remember as a youngster riding my 3-wheeler up and down the river and all over the place there. Certainly not something I'd do now. Making the tributaries protected as wilderness doesn't sound that bad, especially for the bald eagles and other birds that use it for breeding grounds. Are there roads in the areas suggested that would get affected?
Several comments made by the Anti-recreational use/Earth First type eco-whacko's made sense, some made rambling diatribes. The same could be said for the OHV supporters as well.
Wish I had a transcript, I love hearing this stuff, the diatribes are often pretty funny.
There were two comments made by generalist in favor of the plan - the eco-minded folk as it were.
There was one comment made in regards to mineral rights and mining uses.
Several groups represented the OHV users. The Prescott Open Trails Assoc. (ATV users) and Whiplash Motor Sports (organized desert racing) representaives both spoke. POTA focused primarily on wash travel within the Mon., while Whiplash spoke on the lack of resources allotted for the area around Wickenburg where they hold their events.
I'm curious how the ATV groups sell themselves. I know that not all ATV riders are bad, they have bad apples that ruin things same as we have, but I think there are a lot more bad apples in the ATV crowd. That IMO is due to the low cost to get into the sport. There is a thread on this board about it being illegal to drive in washes in parts of AZ, I didn't know that, wonder if that is true in this area?
I chose to not make a public comment, I'll do that via e-mail now that I have a better understanding of the document, and can spend more time reviewing it. I did spend roughly 20 minutes with the plan manager and staff prior to the meeting going over the maps and got answers to several questions I had on generalities within the areas I'm focused on.
Your interaction with the managers was probably time better spent than making a public comment anyway.
Regarding the trail designation in the future, what is your take on that after talking with the managers and seeing the maps? Do you think they will be open to hearing about the hardcore trails that you guys do? How do you plan to approach that? Maybe harder trails can be designated, but left off of maps to keep inexperienced people off them?
Thanks for the post. :clapsmile