Crossing Granit Creek in record flood

Clark White

I totally agree that life would be boring if we choose the "safe" option. But he was risking a lot more then his truck. He was risking the life of the people that would have helped him, had things gone wrong. Big wave surfers have very experienced people there to help them. I doubt the guy holding onto the bitter end of the strap had truly thought about risking his life had things gone wrong.

There was absolutely no risk to his life, like I say I was able to walk across and he never even entered the fast flowing part in the center. ONLY the center was fast flowing. Had things gone horribly wrong, I would have had no trouble extricating my self and WALKING out of the current. No one else would have had to risk anything to get me out.

Even in regards to my truck, other then the fast moving part, which was rather narrow, had I stalled or gotten stuck the water MIGHT have got to my air bag computer, which is the lowest piece of electronics in the truck. Had I failed in the current, things easily could have gone very wrong, but I was quite certain there were no large obstacles that would have rolled me, and other then rolling, recovery would not have been an issue.

I can assure you all it was more controlled and safer then it looks in the videos. Immediately after the crossing point the creek widens, gets much more shallow and does not flow nearly as fast.

As far as angling downstream as you cross, I'm really not sure. I have always entered driving up stream for the sake of fighting the current so I don't get swept downstream as much, and also so that the current pushes me towards to opposite bank like it does in the initial video.


Clark White

As far as thinking having a winch and snorkel gives me special rights, I wouldn't think that for a second. I have been doing these sorts of things for 13yrs, that is why I was so certain I could cross safely.


Desert Dan

If the vehicle rolled over in the water and got wedged on the canyon wall it could have been bad for you and your rig.

I doesn't take long to drown and or have your vehicle get filled with sand and rocks.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Yes, I did see this coming. Part of my scouting while waiting for the second vehicle was taking my pants off and wading on in. I could walk across just fine, though yes it was very cold. Had things gone horribly wrong I am 100% certain that I (maybe not my truck, but ME) would have been just fine. Yes, it was a bit sketchy, but I have done worse crossing under worse conditions. I am absolutely certain I was perfectly safe. Obviously I did not scout every square inch of river bed, but if there were a big rock under there the current would have been different.

Again, I wouldn't suggest anyone else try this, I did it because I have lots of experience and felt comfortable taking a calculated risk on my own time and my own dime.


Good for you. That changes things. Knowing that you walked across before driving across says a lot. I have a hard time with people who drive across something like that without being willing to get wet walking across first. From the video it looked like the current was to strong to walk across. But of course I was not there, so what do I know.

I still would not have wanted to drive across, but that's me. Sounds like you have crossed water like that before, and it looked like you were having fun. :snorkel:


I liked it. He took precautions and had a properly prepared rig. I don't see the issue. In my opinion that seemed safer than driving down the interstate at 75 mph, at least around here.


Expedition Leader
i dont see an issue with having fun if your willing to assume the risk,,, good onya Clark:victory:

Abel Villesca

It was an awesome video! Thanks for sharing. Your pre-crossing preparation is something I'll keep in mind should I ever have to cross any similar body of water. :costumed-smiley-007


American Adventurist
Hey, it was an impressive crossing nonetheless. You did your site recon and assumed the risks - press on. Your cajones are in the 90th percentile and composed of brass! :victory:


I liked it. He took precautions and had a properly prepared rig. I don't see the issue. In my opinion that seemed safer than driving down the interstate at 75 mph, at least around here.

Yeah, I don't think I've driven I-25 ONCE in the past 12 months that I didn't see an accident.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
I liked it. He took precautions and had a properly prepared rig. I don't see the issue. In my opinion that seemed safer than driving down the interstate at 75 mph, at least around here.

I wonder how many times the truck would have skipped if he had hit it at 75.

Were there any trout in that stream?!:sombrero:


I will describe my reaction:

"No way... what the... dumba... no way!... ******!" :ylsmoke:

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