Crossing Granit Creek in record flood

Clark White

In reference to the tow strap: Yeah, I screwed that one up. Potent lesson learned on that one, the strap needs to be tied in place with some string not just weighted down on the roof rack. As I was coming out the second time I was already kicking my self for my stupidity on that.

While I have done crossings like this before, this is the first, and probably only, time I have done it just because it was there. It was a thrill, I enjoyed it and don't regret it, but drying the floor boards gets old and it is hard on wheel bearings, and it is more risky then my normal 4x4 forays.



Asking for trouble. Kids, having a snorkel and a winch doesn't make situations like this safe, I don't care how much scouting you do. Do not try at home. Maybe at some remote location in Bolivia where you're on the only road for 100 miles and you have no other option... fine. But it comes down to "Risk vs. Reward," and doing this for "fun" is entirely too risky; risk at the cost of your beloved truck and possible the life of yourself, or worse, your rescuer.

And for what reward? Bragging rights on an internet forum... pffft. Whatever.

Clark, not looking to stir up trouble with you, man. Nothing personal at all, just commentary on these types of overlanding choices. It's just situations like there which can all too quickly end up on CNN, and make the rest of us trail enthusiasts look some second cousin to the Bear Grylls wannabes of the world.

It is my understanding that it is better to drive from an upstream position on the nearside, to a downstream position on the farside--i.e. go with the flow, not steer into it. I thought I'd heard Scott remark once in here about how this offers better traction b/c it offsets buoyancy, take less effort from the engine/gears b/c you're not fighting the current, and is safer b/c of less chance of the truck rolling.

Am I wrong in thinking this? Any Overland Training Certified gurus wanna chime in on this?

(Doggone, I need to man up, drop the $1200, and get certified! :) )

I am glad that someone else feels the same way, and that the someone else is the trail leader for my next trip. Now I know I won't be floating down a river in Arkansas.

Turn around, Don't drown.
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I liked the videos because things turned out well. That said, looking at that flow rate...the crossings were of extreme danger and no amount of "experience" can always save you. Glad however it did this time.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
On this one I say congratulations Clark! Well done! Well executed!... and indeed these all are true. You are no doubt much more experienced with river crossings than I, and must have trouble walking with those things...

I do not look forward to the day when I will be saying "Bless your heart"... we all know what that translates to...

HIstory does not judge by what ALMOST happened. To the victor go the spoils! :clapsmile
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Scenic WonderRunner


In case of a water landing. Please be prepared to reach under your seat for your flotation device.

If you have failed to find your flotation device. Then you should have not chanced fate!:sombrero:

(spoken all in fun, and no Russian Subs were harmed while typing this post!)



Clark White


In case of a water landing. Please be prepared to reach under your seat for your flotation device.

If you have failed to find your flotation device. Then you should have not chanced fate!:sombrero:

(spoken all in fun, and no Russian Subs were harmed while typing this post!)





In my opinion that seemed safer than driving down the interstate at 75 mph, at least around here.

Spot on! I think it's funny that when I post up a ride report about a 7700 mile SOLO motorcycle trip across the US and back, sometimes riding 12 hours or more at a time, no one raises concern about the "wisdom", "safety", or what have you of the action, but as soon as Clark preps for and crosses a stream, suddenly he's an idiot?!? :Wow1: God help some people if circumstances ever arise that roust you out of your safe little world you've created!! He prepped. He walked hear that? He WALKED it. If you don't wanna try it, don't! But don't question the man's intelligence or call him a "kid" cuz he did what you wouldn't be comfortable doing!

No amount of prep can save you sometimes?? Of course not! No amout of prep can keep you out from under an 18 wheeler sometimes either! Better just park your car and take the bus! Too dangerous to drive!!!!

And PLEASE don't quote youtube comments! Like the other gentleman said, people who comment on youtube tend to be proof that maybe Darwin wasn't 100% correct.

Looked like fun Clark! And if it'd rolled it'd been like the dunker! Even same color lol!


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