CUCV M-1009 Baja Chase/ pit support and Camping Project.


Very sorry for the delay in posting. I have been super busy this past couple months, with a change of venue for the last score race from primm nv being moved to baja ca caused a lot of headaches for us.

I have also been working on my new toy which is a 84 Mercedes 300sd ( only 233K miles on it, just broke in) for a while. trying to get it running better, and what not. I just love that 5 cyl engine.

( I bought it for the engine, was planning on using the 5 cyl in my chevy S-10, but alas, the car was in so great shape I did not have the heart to cut it up, so Im fixing it up a little and driving it, )

last road trip I only got 25 mpg, which seems a little low, and its has a little grey smoke at idle,water levels not going down, and not burning any oil, so Im thinking the injection timing is off a bit due to timing chain stretch, and some un-burnt diesel is smokin out the tail pipe.. still have to adjust the valves and do a purge. but its gonna be cool.

last weekend I went and picked up supplies for the cucv. realizing that Id like to take it to baja for the 1000, then realizing that, its just right around the corner. I figured I had better get my tail in gear.

With that said, I got some ply wood, for the rear storage, going to do something simple tell I get what I want figured out, also gonna run the spare in the cab tell the rear bumper is designed, ( hoping that I don't have to mount it outside..) picked up a nice roof rack, ( but again don't want to add that either unless I have too)

so I started to get the console laid out and cut out.

also a friend gave me a small 8" P2 fosgate sub the other day, so I pan to mount that in the console as well in a custom designed bandpass box.

I also ordered a large air filter from a M715 military truck, was gonna go with a UMP filter, but got this for 75 bucks shipped and it uses the same design,( same filter element part number too, sorta funny,) also goes with the cool military theme. My 8" led bar and my 22" led bars came in. I also have most all the stuff for the 4" stainless straight pipe from the turbo back. and I'm working on some Carbon fiber ram air intakes for the m715 filter housing.

so progress is going on, just not as fast as I like...


TO answer the question about the lowrance HDS gps, yes its good. it dose come with a decent base map, and it records tracks a lot longer then my buddies that has the 540 baja,

( logged about 900 miles and still recording tracks none have been erased yet)

but no the maps are not that great unless you buy the add on maps, and that cost even more.

unless you have a buddy that already has it. While its ocean and water way graphics are awesome, the on land graphics leave a little to be desired. It's far more accurate then the Garmin nuvi 1350 I have, and much better then the 540 baja, and the other Lowrance gps I own. with no antenna (The internal antenna is really good most will not need the external), and mounted under a dash it still is more accurate. It also has functions for gauges, like fuel consumption, oil press, temp, water temp, and much much more, but you need a sender for each, which is more $, a lot more$, but a very trick option if you ask me...

But with a almost 600 buck entry fee and no antenna ( that's another 250 to 300 bucks) better maps (another 195) its quite expensive. however it is by far the most accurate gps i have owned to date. if my truck rocks stationary the lat and long reading change, the milliseconds readings to show that I'm moving. The reason I dropped the coin for it, is all the off road racing maps and coordinates we get are for a Lowrance, Garmin can not read as accurate and if entering the info to a Garmin from a Lowrance you end up with in a couple miles, which is just not good enough.

Yes Id recommend getting one, yes they are expensive. but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for... the 540 baja my friend has, lives in his dodge 1 ton diesel, on the dash, in the summer here ( which can see high 120's to low 130's,) with no sun protection and has lived for many years, it has been rained on, splashed in the boat, in about 30+ off road races, soaked in stream crossings and packed with mud, exposed to low voltage and voltage spikes, heat soaked screens and still works like a champ. None of the Lowrance GPS's I have owned have ever let me down.

They are awesome, and I doubt there is a better non military off road gps available to the general public out there, the HDS gps line is a vast improvement over the global-map series...
with that said...
I'll still keep my Garmin nuvi for in city driving and finding my way through concrete jungles...


In reply to tcdent,
The boxes you designed are exactly what I'm looking for, but Id like to keep the rear seat, I have a daughter that wants to come on some trips with me, and so the rear seat is still needed. Which is why I'm thinking about making the top fold forward when the seat is folded up, for a larger sleeping area, also I'm thinking about making the top of the deck for the storage flush with the bed rail, as I'm 6'2" tall and its only about 67+/-" from tail gate to the rear of the front seats, and its 72" from window to window. So I'm thinking I'll be sleeping width wise with my legs slightly bent.
I'm planning to make it more modular in design, since this is not a dedicated camping truck, or a dedicated chase truck, its a little of everything. So the plan is to put items in storage totes, and make space for the storage totes, so I can pack a set for camping, a set for chasing, and so on. It easier to have a bunch of the same size storage totes in the garage and just swap out the ones I'll need for a trip.
However, your design is the best I have see for a blazer set up yet.. thanks for putting up pics, I may incorporate some of it in my design if you don't mind.

to enigmadsm,
As for suspension, its gonna be done in stages, currently it has race shocks, it works very well with stock springs, custom shackles and the shocks.

The plan I Hope for is a combo of a tried and true set up, and a little custom new age set up for flair. I plan to make a set of custom radius arms for the front similar to that of the front of a solid axle ford from the 70's. with a panhard bar, and cross over steering. but for springs, I'm thinking about running air bags with a 2.5" bypass shock, maybe a air bump for good measure. I'm only looking for 10" to 12" travel.

The rear suspension I'm planning a little more custom, a 4 link system, with custom cantilever suspension links that will remote mount the air bag and another bypass shock to the axle, travel goals from this set up is looking to be in the 13 to 16" range ( this system is capable of over 30" travel,which is what our bronco is pulling with this set up, but is going to be limited).

I'm trying not to install Fiberglass fenders, but do have a set if I need them. I'm shooting for quality travel not so much quantity. I still should be able to tow light to medium weight trailers with it.

and to 1976K5Chalet
Yes I have thought of a camper, but unless you find a chalet, its gonna have to be custom? correct me if I'm wrong on that please. I have saved a ton of chalet pics to get ideas, and I'm thinking about picking up another fiberglass top and cutting it up then adding to it to make a custom camper that I can take off and on for longer trips. only time and money will tell if that idea will ever become a reality.

here are some suspension pics so you all can see sorta what I'm thinking.


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The rear suspension I'm planning a little more custom, a 4 link system, with custom cantilever suspension links that will remote mount the air bag and another bypass shock to the axle, travel goals from this set up is looking to be in the 13 to 16" range ( this system is capable of over 30" travel,which is what our bronco is pulling with this set up, but is going to be limited).

Be careful that you don't spend too much time over-engineering (What thing to say to an engineer) the rear suspension. Unless you're converting to 2wd, drive shaft length will be your limiting factor. Especially with the longer overdrive transmissions.
You probably already know this since you're also working on Broncos, but they can work incredibly well with a good leaf pack and a 12" travel shock under the floor. Even at the steep mounting angle they can put a lot fancier trucks with more wheel travel to shame. Best of all, you get to keep your cargo space.

Good luck with the build. Looks like it'll be a fun truck.


. Unless you're converting to 2wd, drive shaft length will be your limiting factor. Especially with the longer overdrive transmissions.
You probably already know this since you're also working on Broncos, but they can work incredibly well with a good leaf pack and a 12" travel shock under the floor. Even at the steep mounting angle they can put a lot fancier trucks with more wheel travel to shame. Best of all, you get to keep your cargo space.

Good luck with the build. Looks like it'll be a fun truck.

Boy your right about this.

with the bronco, we could not move the engine back to compensate for weight distribution, otherwise the rear drive shaft would have been about 6" long...which is why we decided to change our weight distribution ratio with the suspension instead of physically moving weight and go with the suspension system that were using.

By moving our spring base to the back of the truck and not the middle like so many 4 linked truck, we effectively moved the softest point in the truck from the rear bumper the front. which causes the front to stay air borne while jumping. Spring base is a very simple and really quite amazing thing to play with. another plus side is that yaw and body roll control is greatly improved, making it feel far more stable then a short wheel based tall suv ever should.

I'm running a th400 with a 208 tcase, so I have a little longer drive shaft then what it would be if I had a 4 speed auto in it. But still its very short. which is another reason for quality not quantity.

also on another note, if all works as planned none of the suspension parts will protrude through the floor of the blazer. which is nice as I simply don't have much room to spare.


with the bronco, we could not move the engine back to compensate for weight distribution, otherwise the rear drive shaft would have been about 6" long...which is why we decided to change our weight distribution ratio with the suspension instead of physically moving weight and go with the suspension system that were using.

The other option is to leave the engine where it is and move the cab back. That moves A LOT of weight back in a hurry. Then you can take advantage of the fact that the rear wheel opening is further back and extend your wheel base... freeing up even more wheel travel. Not to mention, you also gain clearance for the evaporator box! Or, move the engine and the cab back... the sky is the limit!

By moving our spring base to the back of the truck and not the middle like so many 4 linked truck, we effectively moved the softest point in the truck from the rear bumper the front. which causes the front to stay air borne while jumping. Spring base is a very simple and really quite amazing thing to play with. another plus side is that yaw and body roll control is greatly improved, making it feel far more stable then a short wheel based tall suv ever should.

Larry Ragland had a Blazer with rear suspension similar to the one Blazer you posted above. It worked very, very well and few level most of the time. It's been quite a while since I've seen it, but a guy in SoCal used to own it. I still have the photos I took of the rear suspension. I can post them if you're interested.


The other thing to consider with Blazers and Broncos is that most of the cargo area is behind the rear wheels. Which means that by the time you load them with gear, tools, spares parts and hang a big bumper and a massive tire or two off the rear, they carry the nose of the truck very easily without the help of relocated springs. I have friends with stock (location) sprung Broncos that have a hard time keeping the front ends down because of this.

By the way, I'm not trying to talk you out of anything... just giving some unsolicited feedback. Ha!
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Resident **************
Can't wait to see the truck at the 1000, JP. I'm hearing Erindura again this race...I sure hope so, we love that place. Machelle is still a little gimpy recovering from the broken ankle, but she won't miss two in a row!

Scott sold the Jeepspeed car so we aren't racing (bummed, really wanted the three-peat). He's building an Ecotec car, fits in several of the Ecotec classes, should be fun once it's dialed.

Edit: Just talked to Laird, we're at BFG Pit 3, south of San Felipe, RM320.8...another all nighter!
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Bob, ya I found out about that last week. I like San Felipe, I want to try to have my Blazer ready by then, or at least partly ready. I also have to talk Ivan into to going with me in it and leaving big blue home.. we shall see if I can make it happen.

as for Larry Ragland's blazer... I remember that thing, I have a few pics of it.the rear suspension is similar to what I'm planning. the other is just another blazer I really like, but its 2wd. and the last is another cucv, that is nice.

time will tell how crazy I will get with the suspension. I keep telling my self that I need not to make this one crazy. it dose not need to be a pre-runner. Just a very good truck.


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Deleted member 12023

Nice Rig! And nice mod plans!

Side note: Have you looked into the legality of crossing the border with a retired US military vehicle? Last I knew it was not allowed, but than again I could have just made that up.

Good luck!


Expedition Leader
Bob, ya I found out about that last week. I like San Felipe, I want to try to have my Blazer ready by then, or at least partly ready. I also have to talk Ivan into to going with me in it and leaving big blue home.. we shall see if I can make it happen.

as for Larry Ragland's blazer... I remember that thing, I have a few pics of it.the rear suspension is similar to what I'm planning. the other is just another blazer I really like, but its 2wd. and the last is another cucv, that is nice.

time will tell how crazy I will get with the suspension. I keep telling my self that I need not to make this one crazy. it dose not need to be a pre-runner. Just a very good truck.

I like the look of the camouflage coloured Chevy with the huge camper!:Wow1:


SteveG, I'm always open to any ideas. so feel free to shoot them my way any day.

No I have not looked into us military vehicles into baja, It never crossed my mind at all that it may not be legal, I hope you are wrong, or it may wreck all my plans. Its a blazer first, so I doubt it would be a problem. but guess I should look into it. May also wreck my idea about getting a M35-A3, and building it into a RV too..

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