Cummins British Military Expedition Truck


New member
Aren't diesels older than 1997 exempt in CA?

Also, I saw the note on the 0.67 overdrive - what ratio is in the axles? Meaning, how is it on the highways?
It does great on the highway now, able to maintain highway speeds and I pop over to the slow lane for climbing hills.


New member
I'm not in or from California but, I have heard that California law was changed to force all diesels to meet current pollution standards.

I was looking for an older diesel pickup and it was suggested I go there and get one that couldn't be updated cost-effectively. The shop I was working with had recently received 3 engines from California that were pulled from Diesel pickups there.
I wouldn't try to register it in Cali. A friend with the exact same truck has his imported from Canada and registered in Washington fairly easily. Most folks register their diesel toys remotely for Montana. You'll seeing old trucks and even super cars with Montana plates driving around Cali.

Code Monkey

I wouldn't try to register it in Cali. A friend with the exact same truck has his imported from Canada and registered in Washington fairly easily. Most folks register their diesel toys remotely for Montana. You'll seeing old trucks and even super cars with Montana plates driving around Cali.
In Oregon & WA state, diesels are usually not too hard, with regards to emissions, if they are older - e.g., my '97 Dodge Ram 3500 with 6BT is a Canadian built truck and it has been registered in both WA & Oregon.

However, new restrictions are coming out for metro areas, such as Portland and Seattle, including the counties for those metro areas - as they are wanting to not have diesels in the city.

WA state is really strict about people living in WA but driving/owning vehicles licensed in other states due to the number of people trying to evade the sales tax and annual registration fees - which are heavy. So keep that in mind.

Calif. even more so - a LOT more so.


New member
Cool, thanks for the info.
It still sounds like its pretty easy to get these trucks imported and registered if you follow some guidelines (coming from first hand experience from Ben who imported the exact same truck from Canada to WA).
This is a diesel in America discussion more than it is about Welly.


@roamnshoot Nice work! Any chance you'd sell just the box on its own (I've already got a truck I love)? Also, I spend about half the year in Santa Barbara so, howdy neighbor!


New member
What it the max cruising speed that you are comfortable driving at for long periods of time?
I've driven this rig thousands of KMs and I'm happily cruising at 60 mph, you can definitely pick it up to 65-70 mph but for fuel consumption and ease on the engine I keep it around 60. Haven't had any issues on the interstate. Cruising along with all the other 18 wheelers on the right.


Im confused. So you and your partner or significant other bought this vehicle from Alex, correct? Im assuming your selling it because you are having trouble registering it? If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason for sale? feel free to Dm me.


New member
Hey there, we did buy the truck from Alex in 2021. No problem at all registering it, it is currently fully paid off, registered and insured. Not sure where that confusion is coming from. We are selling because we want to fund a multi-year Oceania trip.


New member
Located in Ventura Ca, but still registered in Canada, correct? Or registered in the US?
Yes, currently located in California but registered in Canada. Check out They charge a $395 to import into the US. Happy to help as we helped get this sorted for another buyer.


New member
I might have to import this truck into the states myself for the future buyer and everyone is wary of importing. What do we think?


Well-known member
It's out of my price range but if you are looking for a US buyer, having it currently titled/registered in the states is going to go a long way to finding a buyer. Most are not going to want to deal with this and any potential issues. Other issue could be parts availability for the chassis. Not a common rig like a Fuso or NPR. Just my .02 worth. Cool rig!

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