Darian Gap with FerryXpress


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Many thanks for the excellent and detailed description of the process on your blog!


Thanks for posting this!

I hope this ferry stays and actually transports vehicles by the time we get to Panama.

They have suspended vehicle (except bike) transport for second time in 2 months, this time there is no ETA when it's going to be resumed. Interestingly enough, information says that it's the problem on Panama port side... Hopefully that gets resolved ;)


New member
Looking to do RoRo with a truck and camper in 3 weeks fron Panama to somewhere in South America.

Has the ferry resumed? Anybody roro-ed across the Darien Gap lately? Do they let you keep gear inside of the vehicle while it is being shipped? Anybody able to reccommend which town to ship to from Panama? Thank you.

Jim K in PA

The FerryXpress web site is dead. Best to hit up the active traveler databases closer to you time of transit. This really makes it tough to be flexible in your travel plans around the gap.


New member
RoRo Ferries - Madagascar?!

Hi all;

Dont want to highjack the thread - sorry! But - our query concerns RoRo as well and maybe someone can assit ?

We have been looking for reliable info for some time now for a possebility / option to ship our truck to Madagascar.
Any body ever tried this? (our "truck' - Mercedes Atego 1017 ~ 10t etc)

We are looking to do an epic journey from the southern most by vehicle accessible point of Africa (Cape Agulhas) to Cape Horn via the most easterly, westerly, southerly and northerly points on any of the continents we are traveling through.

We have tried numerous shipping lines that do ship to Mada but they only take cargo in nets etc. most dont even respond!

Can anybody assit us with this or knows of somebody having done this trip to Mada? By RoRo!

May the RoRo spirits be with you!

The 'Mr Mhkize" team JHB/SA

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