Well, when you get down to it the noise is a factor that one will probably get used to over time, that and I just turn up the volume on the stereo to help drown it out. The loss in fuel mileage is not greatly substantial, but for me it is noticeable. There is a small loss of power, but it is very nominal in the whole scheme of things, I currently am running 235HP to the rear wheels and the loss of power may feel like I am running 230HP, so it is not great by anymeans, and if I have not been driving this thing everyday for the last two years I probably would not even notice. The braking distance is a bit greater but again nothing that is greatly noticable. I do also have to agree that the aggressive look of the M/T's is awesome, and I will find out thier off road prowess tomorrow when I give them a run up in Sedona. I do like the way they look on the Trooper, they make it look like what it was built for, off road driving. :victory: