Death Valley Adventure, December 2011

Explorer 1

Explorer 1
Led a small group on a Death Valley loop last month, for most, it was their first visit to this wonderful area. In fact, for one it was their first time "on the dirt" and in 4wd!

We started out early and made our way out Interstate 15 to Baker for breakfast then up Hwy 127 to the Harry Wade Rd where we first came in contact with dirt. Seeing that this was the first time for most we made some stops along the way to discuss what we were looking at which would of course include the Badwater view.

We really hadn't seen very many other cars along the way but that all change at Badwater, several buses along with lots of rental cars were parked and english wasn't the language of choice that day. There was a long train of walkers on the dry lake. Here is a few of our group.


After a top off of the fuel tanks at about 5 bucks a gallon ( I have to run premium in my XJ) we were off to Echo Canyon.


Along the way are just a few challanges one of the dry falls here wouldn't be considered much by the experienced off roaded but for those in our group with little or no experience it was a white knuckle climb.

I discovered that with F&R lockers I can tend to get a bit lazy on choosing a good climbing line so more recently I been leaving the lockers off to try and sharpen my skills. Here is my climb with a little wheel slip.

Murrie, with a little experience still needs to work on a lighter touch on the skinny peddle.

We made our way over the pass and down just outside the National Park Boundary finding a nice level spot on top of one of the side hills. It was cooler in evening and morning but we were prepared so all slept warm after we left the camp fire.


Next we were off to Ryolite just west of Beatty at the junction of Hwy 95 and 374 in Nevada. There are plenty of other write ups and pictures of Ryolite so nothing to share here.

From Ryolite we traveled west on 374 to the Leadville and Titus Canyon dirt road that quickly becomes a "one way" road, not due to the size of it but more because the Park service control and "safety" concerns. This road ranks up high in the scenic scoreboard and because the park service runs a blade over it quite often even the family station wagon or 2wd SUV can easily traverse through the mountain. The views down into Leadville and the size of the sheer canyons walls in Titus Canyon are well worth the extra drive out of the park into Nevada to one can drive the one way route.

I stopped briefly to take a short movie of some of the group climbing up to the pass.

Leadville was one of those great "cons" that took place in the wild west by a real estate promoter. Lots of money was spent and invested, only problem was it was all a big con. Seems like when it comes to making a quick buck in what appears an easy way, we just don't learn the lesson and are destined to repeat ourselves.

We popped out of Titus Canyon and then scurried over to Ubehebe Crater which is always a tourist stop. From there we were off to Tea Kettle Junction (some real quality tea kettles can be found here) and then after a quick stop at the racetrack we were in need of a place to spend the night especially since dark clouds were starting to move in.

I have driven over Lippencott Pass several time and never taken the time to explore the mine. I was surprised on how many roads and mine shafts there were there. At the end of one of the trails I found a secluded place to camp next to an old shaft with a great view down the Saline Valley.



We had some visitors that evening around the fire. It was obvious they had had some prior experience with campers. Once we went to bed they wasted no time exploring every possible piece of equipment we left out, hoping to find a snack.



Later that night a was wakened by the sound of rain on my roof ( I sleep inside of my XJ), in the morning we found we were surrounded by a ring of white.


I guess it was colder than I thought that night!'

Did some exploring of the mines while the other packed up the next morning and came across the old weathered chassis. I believed it once was a truck. Interesting setup for the rear leaf springs as they ride on the rear of the leaf instead of the center like most axles. Also checkout the wooded spokes in steel rims




Down Lippencott Grade and a quick stop at the big rack cairn for a picture.


As we left Saline Valley over South Pass which follows Grapeville Canyon we found some more fresh white stuff.


The fresh snow is always fun to drive in. All enjoyed themselves and got more than their moneys worth (the trip was free).

Explorer 1
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