My passenger and I are in Adelanto, getting on the 15 in a minute and heading home. Will update with a report and pics asap.
Summary: Ballarat, Goler Wash/Mengel Pass, Butte Valley, Warm Springs (Friday night); Badwater Basin, Furnace Creek, Echo Canyon, Inyo Mine (Saturday); Echo Pass, Lee's Camp, Beatty, Rhyolite, Titus Canyon/Leadfield, Stovepipe Wells, Cottonwood Canyon (Sunday).
Rays truck apparently lost oil pressure (?) and developed a bad towed out. Hoping it's not catastrophic and that he'll update soon. :\
Covered nearly 200 miles in the dirt...had a blast. There is so much to see out there, I'm already pining to plan another trip. Hope everyone else makes it home safe and updates when possible.