DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend


Any one on this trip coming to the Orange County CA Monthly Meeting ?


Updating my listing:

3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor, HAM(monitoring only)/CB/FRS - Arriving late afternoon/evening.
I am still on the fence. The kids really want to go, but today I received a good job offer which includes spending more time in the great outdoors and hunting. I think I will have a better idea by Thursday. I just don't think it's a good idea to pass up a once in a lifetime job that involves hunting. I need to get my foot in the door while I have the chance. What to do, what to do.
Ask to move up your interview.:26_7_2:

I'd bail on the trip and do the interview

It's a little more complicated than that. More or less I was offered a job I didn't even apply for, so no interview is necessary. I was offered a job as a broker for a well established company that offers guided hunts. I would be the middle man between the guides, land owners and buyers. The owner/neighbor wants to train me for the job this weekend at the hunting expo in Salt Lake. It is a great training opportunity that does not come around to often.


Expedition Leader
Sorry to see some of you guys couldn't make it but FYI there's another DV trip happening in March so catch you on the next one.

Just finished packing up the truck, we'll hit the road after work tomorrow.


Packed as well. Leaving tomorrow for Mojave. Then from MNP to DV on Saturday. See you all on the trail.


Looks like I'm in after all!

Will be leaving by 4pm Friday I hope. No comms. Experienced in the area. Will arrive late night Fri/early AM Sat.

Panamint Valley Spring Fling is 4/4/14 as well, and it will be awesome!


New member
Made it to Ridgecrest with my check engine light on. Code P0400. Just an EGR problem so we will meet you in Ballarat in the morning

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