DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend


I'm heading out on Thursday since I haven't been to Ballarat before.

If we decide to change to Trona Peaks for first night camp I'll still be heading out on Thursday.
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Expedition Leader
Hey guys, I was thinking of changing camp spot for Thursday night. I don't believe they allow open fire at Ballarat because there is no assigned camping ground there.
Trona pinnacles apparently allows open fire as long as you use existing pits. you just need to bring your own firewood.
Carlos I have some questions...
1) what are the GPS coordinates for each nights campsite?
2) do you have a GPS track of our route we can plug into our GPS systems?
3) what CB, FRS/GMRS & ham/2m frequencies will we be on (primary & backup in case the primary is in use)?
4) who's keeping track of who's coming and what their cell number is?

As it stands right now there's a chance I'll be staying in Barstow on Thursday night then driving to DV at 5:00 am on Friday instead of arriving at camp at 3:00am.


Expedition Leader
I PM'd Carlos on Fri suggesting breaking up the group due to the DV park rules about the total no of vehicles and people. As of my last count on Fri we had 22 vehicles and around 42 people. I didn't hear back from Carlos yet but I'm thinking he must be busy like all of us and may need our help with the logistics since it's a pretty large group.

To get the ball rolling, for the radio frequencies, here's my suggestion:

HAM Radio: Simplex freq 146.460 (preferable mode of comms)
FRS: 13 - as in Feb 13
CB channel: 13

If we find other groups using the same frequencies we'll adjust them if needed.

Meeting points and coords for Thu, I've never been to this part of DV before so these came from the Wikipedia page but looks good on map:
Trona Pinnacles (35.617134,-117.36836) :

As for splitting up the group (at least from the campsite perspective) those who are arriving on Thu could be one group vs. Fri and so on? We can then exchange cell#s within the groups as most wouldn't want to enter 22 cell phone numbers :)

We can continue to cut-and-paste the list below as we respond?

Thu group:
1. Sarwat - Pathfinder - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11pm

Fri group:

Sat group:


We can continue to cut-and-paste the list below as we respond?

Thu group:
1. Sarwat - Pathfinder - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11pm

Fri group:
1.Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2.Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3.Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4.Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5.Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6.Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7.Henry - Land Cruiser - 1

Sat group:


Expedition Leader
Cool, I updated the Thu group with the info from the first post. I've also added the tentaive camping spots.

Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 2- leaving from Norcal @ 6:00pm & arriving at Trona @ ~ midnight.
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm :D

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1.Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2.Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3.Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4.Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5.Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6.Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7.Henry - Land Cruiser - 1

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):
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Expedition Leader
Thu group:
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at ballarat
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - Pathfinder - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11pm

Fri group:
1.Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2.Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3.Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4.Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5.Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6.Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7.Henry - Land Cruiser - 1

Sat group:

Added the off road comm's I'll have. You all should do the same in case we need to figure out how to contact you as you approach camp.
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Expedition Leader
Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1.Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2.Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3.Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4.Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5.Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6.Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7.Henry - Land Cruiser - 1

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):



Expedition Leader
Ill be coming into camp late night on Friday, around 11:30 PM

Dmitriy - Eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 4ppl


As posted we will arrive on Saturday so meeting at Furnace Creek (if that's still the saturday camp plan)

Did anyone make a reservation yet at Furnace Creek? Might be nice if we close together.

Campground Reservations:
Looks like first come yet they have a reservation line - Govt. organizations - ugh
Reservations for the Furnace Creek Campground and group sites are now available by calling 1-877-444-6777 or by going online at
Furnace Creek Cmpg map
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Expedition Leader
Added Eurosonic and RobRed. Guys since there're only a couple of days left even if you've posted before please keep this list updated so we know if and when you're coming.

Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1. Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2. Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3. Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4. Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5. Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6. Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7. Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8. Dmitriy - Eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 4ppl - arriving around 11:30PM

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):
1. RobRed - Land Cruiser 100 - 2 ppl. Comms: HAM / APRS / FRS / GMRS / PLB / SAT Phone / Cell Phone / [No CB]


Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1. Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2. Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3. Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4. Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5. Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6. Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7. Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8. Dmitriy - Eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 4ppl - arriving around 11:30PM

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):
1. RobRed - Land Cruiser 100 - 2 ppl. Comms: HAM / APRS / FRS / GMRS / PLB / SAT Phone / Cell Phone / [No CB]
2. RobRed#2 - Tundra - 1 ppl. Comms: FRS / GMRS / [No CB]

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