Pleasant canyon/South Park is rated easy to moderate however the trail is susceptible to water damage and rock movement which can make it difficult on steep and narrow sections.
Please note that Death Valley over all changes every year and season and sometimes trails that were easily done before become impossible due to snow or road conditions.
As a rule I would say any small SUV with 33" should be able to go thru, a mild lift and body armor will make it even better.
Friday might end up been the most difficult day out of the 3 days, as the rest of the trip appears to be easy going.
We'll be around furnace creek area on sat and Sunday we will work our way to camp at Eureka Dunes.
Hope this helps!
I think for those that are confirmed on going, it will be a good idea to list their vehicles specs or modifications as well.
I'll start with mine:
# - name - screen name - vehicle - occupants - MODS
1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - ROCKCRAWLER ready (if needed)

2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 2
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2
5 - Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6 - Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7 - Dmitriy - eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
8 - Kevin - rajin_Cajun - Montero Gen2 - 1-2?
9 - Bryan- Jeep - 1
10 - Greg - Jeep - 2
11 - Nick - Jeep - 2
12 - Sean - SoCalMonty - Montero Gen 2 - 2
13 - Scott - calledtocreation - Jeep - 2
14 - Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1
15 - Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3
16 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - 2
17 - Richard A - rascott (4x4wire) - Suzuki Sidekick 1
18 - Spence - 4D55 - 1983 Mitsubishi Pickup or GWagon 2-3ish
19 - Nathan - Montero - (maybe) - 4?
20 - Bruno - Chief - Montero Gen 2 - (maybe) - 1-2?
21 - Jason A - Monte (4x4wire) - 1989 Montero - 2 (maybe)
22 - Mark L - Jeep - 1 (maybe)
23 - Quinn T - Jeep - 1 (maybe)