OK, so here is the second leg of the trip:
We'll start early sat morning from warm springs canyon camp. (Depending if we end up there Fri night) and go north on West side rd to Furnace creek.
We go hit Echo Pass/Inyo Mine.
We can explore other trails near by as time allows it such as hole in the wall, bad water rd or others
We will camp at Furnace creek Saturday night.
We could set up camp once we get to the furnace creek area and then go explore Echo Pass and other trails this way we can secure space for every body.
I believe camps are 1st come 1st serve so no reservations needed.
Here is a map of the route for your reference:
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions in regards to this part of the trip.
miles from camp to furnace creek is about 50 +/- and from there to echo pass another 15 one way.
My understanding is that you can buy gas at Furnace creek but not 100% for sure.
Looks like the first 2 days we going to cover around 150 miles +/-