DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend


Naomi 2001 pathfinder 32", occupants 2
Tyson 1994 Montero 33" ,occupants 2
Juan + 1 more rig, land cruiser +33"
Were are we starting and /emd at?


Expedition Leader
I'm interested. This is a soft confirmation:

1. Vehicle info and specs: Montero, 33's, locker, tools, gear, maps
2. Number of occupants: 1 to 4, way too soon to tell
3. What's your level of 4wd experience: Extensive
4. Are you interested on a "difficult" run/trail along the way: Absolutely...but more like Defense mine and NOT like Isham Canyon!
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Expedition Leader
1. Vehicle info and specs: 98 Montero, 35's, rear locker,
2. Number of occupants: 2-3, also too soon to tell. Depends on the days we leave and come back
3. What's your level of 4wd experience: adequate
4. Are you interested on a "difficult" run/trail along the way: YES!

rajin cajun

1. Vehicle info and specs: 1994 Montero SR, 33's x 10.5, rear locker, OME suspension, snorkel,
2. Number of occupants: 1-2
3. What's your level of 4wd experience: Good [far from expert]
4. Are you interested on a "difficult" run/trail along the way: Maybe, open minded


I'm in (finally)
1) 2000 Montero Gen 2.5, lift, lockers, 33" snorkel
2) 2 occupants
3) Some what green.
4) Try difficult so long as its not insane


for those of you that have reply to this thread, please confirm which day you are going to be arriving.
Again, I plan on leaving the Bay Area on Thurs the 13th and start the trails on the 14th-16th and drive back home on the 17th. (Monday)

I'm still working on the trails details, I should have a route set after the holidays.
We might do 1st and last night motel and fri and sat camping.

Please be ready for cold nights and hot weather during the day.


So far we got the following participants:
# - name - screen name - vehicle - occupants
1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 5
2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 1
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2
5 - Juan - rig? - ?
6 - Name? - Land Cruiser - ?
7 - Jason - Rig? - (maybe) - ?
8 - Name - nwoods - Montero - (maybe) - 4?
9 - D'mitri - erusonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
10 - Kevin - rajin_Cajun - Montero Gen2 - 1-2?
11 - Name? - Silverwulf - Montero Gen2.5 - 2
12 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - (maybe) - ?
13 - Bryan- Jeep - 1
14 - Greg - Jeep - 2
15 - Nick - Jeep - 2
16 - Mike- Grasscat - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1

Anybody else? please copy this list and add you name ASAP please.

We might need to closed the list at 20 rigs to keep it manageable or maybe slip the groups on different runs with same meeting points at the end of the day.
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Expedition Leader
List the maybe's at the bottom, if we can't confirm and don't make the cutoff, oh well.
BTW, #8 - nwoods is Nathan Woods


So far we got the following participants:
# - name - screen name - vehicle - occupants
1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 5
2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 1
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2
5 - Juan - rig? - ?
6 - Name? - Land Cruiser - ?
7 - Jason - Rig? - (maybe) - ?
8 - Name - nwoods - Montero - (maybe) - 4?
9 - D'mitri - erusonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
10 - Kevin - rajin_Cajun - Montero Gen2 - 1-2?
11 - Chris - Silverwulf - Montero Gen2.5 - 2
12 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - (maybe) - ?
13 - Bryan- Jeep - 1
14 - Greg - Jeep - 2
15 - Nick - Jeep - 2
16 - Mike- Grasscat - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1


Expedition Leader
Moved maybe's to the bottom of the list.

So far we got the following participants:
# - name - screen name - vehicle - occupants
1 - Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 5
2 - Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 - 1 or 2
3 - Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2
4 - Naomi - Pathfinder - 2
5 - Juan - Land Cruiser - ?
6 - Louie - Land Cruiser - ?
7 - Dmitriy - eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 2-3?
8 - Kevin - rajin_Cajun - Montero Gen2 - 1-2?
9 - Chris - Silverwulf - Montero Gen2.5 - 2
10 - Bryan- Jeep - 1
11 - Greg - Jeep - 2
12 - Nick - Jeep - 2
13 - Mike- Grasscat - Montero Gen 2.5 - 1
14 - Jason - Land Cruiser - (maybe) - 3?
15 - Nathan - Montero - (maybe) - 4?
16 - Nick - Nikosan - landcruiser - (maybe) - ?

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