I cant get my head around -40. I am trying to but cant even imagine how cold that is.
I can give you some pointers ... been snowboarding by -52C, it was -40C last weekend.
your nostrils freeze as if covered in dry snot (poor image, but that's exactly how it feels)
cold "attacks" any exposed body parts ... usually nose and the cheek bones. Obviously, that's assuming your ears and fingers are covered. A rather intense tingling feeling within seconds ... which turns rather painful for a few minutes when they warm up again. Nothing to get worked up over ... just wait it out.
If the cold is intense enough, it also feels as if your head was very slightly squeezed in a vice. Not painful or anything, just enough to notice.
I haven't had to deal with hypothermia yet, I dress in layers (2 socks, 3 pants, 3-4 shirts, balaclava, scarf and hat). However once you get cold or sweaty you're done until you find a warm place, and not just for an hour or 2. Talking getting warmed up for the night.
You can't get anything done outdoors. Everything takes forever because nothing works. Straps are frozen solid, anything plastic snaps ... god forbid you start touching some metal with your hands.
You have small gloves in the big gloves, can't grab anything, take the big ones off, small ones let the cold in and your fingers "freeze".
Oddly enough however, when it's that cold it's also very very very dry, and if you start sweating or plan to do some effort, you can open your coat and let the brisk air through to make sure you are dry.
When it's very cold the snow is incredibly light and fluffy ... best snow there is.
Cars hate it too.
Crank the engine in the morning and it will sloooowly go through the near solid oil. You can actually hear it turn over and gather speed. We have block heaters for that purpose.
My buddy's diesel truck did not start last weekend despite multiple glow plug cycles, fuel froze in the lines I think.
Any flaw in the car's mechanicals will show. Every single time the temps drop below -30 I see many cars on the side of the road with a broken component ... tierod, driveshaft ... you name it, it's not perfect it will break.
And if you have to do any repairs ... that's fun as well. You have to have a heated garage, and the car has to sit in it for a day or 2 in order to warm up just enough to be worked on not too uncomfortably.
I mean ... if you were stranded on the side of the road by -40, you could do the repairs ... but it would suck. Really suck.
Oh yeah, and at those temps, your tires are rock solid (even dedicated winter rubber) and the asphalt is frozen. We have black ice, ice so hard and clear that you do not see it at all. You just figure it out when you're going backwards into the ditch.
When you live in -40 climates, you pretty much try to hurry up from the house to the car, and from the car to the office.