For gasoline, the percentage ethanol added to the fuel, ie 10%, reduces the the vehicles fuel mileage by about the same percentage. So 10% ethanol in a vehicle getting 20 mpg on straight gasoline will be around 18 mpg on 10% ethanol!
The reduced mileage due to adding ethanol is bad in itself, then add the corrosion problem, the fact it is hygroscopic, attracts and absorbs water, and causes any varnish in the fuel system to turn to gel. If you own a boat or vehicle with a fiberglass fuel tank...the ethanol melts the resin used to make them and then they leak!
Don't forget using ethanol in fuels also raises food prices! And...Using ethanol raises the cost of a gallon of gas by about 20 cents, so we have to pay more to go less distance! Ethanol is great...
Diesel has similar issues. When the level of sulfur was reduced and the fuel reformulated, it now contains 7 - 10% less btu content than the old fuel. So about a direct correlation between the btu reduction and mileage reduction!
So to put this simply, 7-10% more fuel, gas or diesel, must be found, transported, refined, transported again and finally bought by us to go the same distance as the older fuels! So maybe we get a cleaner fuel the generates less air pollution? OK, think about all the costs and transportation involved, how much these add to pollution and other related problems.
Does any of this make since?
Same crap different day!