Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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I always take a weapon with me into the bush. My mind. Often overlooked and sometimes under utilized our minds, when situationally aware, are our greatest protection organ. For example Bear Spray. Some local nuisance bears in whistler BC have associated Bear Spray odor with tasty treats. Kind of like us smelling the taco truck food wagon. So the application of the irritant has to actually hit the mucus membranes of the animal for it to be physically effective. This takes the above situational awareness and brain to achieve, as well as a decent set to wait till he is close enough.
I don't routinely travel with a gun, but I always have camp tools. But if a situation doesn't 'feel" right I listen to the mind and leave.
Situational awareness helps answer the confusion of the broad question as well. In Africa I never put my rifle down while in the bush and often had someone else come with me to take a pee to watch the other direction while my weapon was slung. In BC I've rested soundly in a hammock, 10 feet off the ground, watching bears sniff about the camp for garbage they wouldn't find and move off. A Streamlight flash or an m80 firecracker lit from my cigar more than sufficient and often funny as hell.
Whatever "tool" you take remember the the greatest tool is the one behind your eyes.

While this thread has descended into forum rule pushing boundaries. Lets try to pull it back into the OP's question. Every culture has it owns unique style. Living in Tbilisi recently I was often surprised to see someone in a bar playing pool and see a concealed pistol. The frequency of casual carry is huge. Legal or not legal is significantly difficult to determine in Georgia. But what is done was obvious. But the cultural landscape is different. After gaining freedom from the soviet union the country collapsed. No power, no reliable water, and white people starving to death. We don't often read about this. It was a tiny little culturally divided country that was left abandoned to the plight of this new found freedom. I am simplifying here significantly so please save the history lesson cut and pasted from Wikipedia. I lived in the country for two years with significant contact with the people that survived. Survive they did and even through the troubles, to borrow from the Irish, they maintained their cultural behavior to treat guests like gifts from god. What I took into the bush when we did a month long overland hunting trip was significantly different than what I take when I travel to the USA, Africa, Canada, Russia. The situation is different and so being aware of these differences the tools are different. I know in Georgia I can knock on any village door and tell them our truck is broke and can we park on their land till the delivery method arrives with a replacement and not be denied. Period full stop. You will also probably be invited for dinner and given the best wine they have. It is their culture. It is a great practice. It doesn't mean all is fine in Georgia. It is just one example of a cultural quirk that defines a difference between nations and people. All countries have them. You ignore them at your peril. They don't want to be compared to other countries in an attempt to show how better it is someplace else. No one likes this and recent posts here demonstrate this fact. Politics, Laws, Customs, Practices, are part of the adventure and knowledge base required to make you situationally aware and prepared for the AWESOME and Great things, people, and cultures we as richer nation citizens have the ability to experience. Living in Russia for the last two years and traveling its length has demonstrated this time and time again. To them Canadians/Americans are the same. The differences between our two countries are obvious to us, yet, to them we are the same. We are North Americans. This translation gets confusing in the Russian language. Focusing on what we have in common is so much better than fighting about how we are different or better than anyone else. We are humans.
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Clip lol????? I've never seen a AR variant of any kind that uses clips.
Come take a look at my AR. Handiest thing ever, I clipp on a strap so I dont have to carry the rifle in my back pocket. Its frontgrip clipps on & off as desired too.
Along with too many people having guns, too many people get hung up on vernacular names on parts there of.
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Pulling this back again into the informative and educational. The round goes into the clip and the full clip gets pushed down into the magazine. On the old rifle types. Advancements came and the "ping" you're empty clips were replaced with magazines that did both. Fitting magazines to rifles sounded stupid so, like many English words, it was shortened to Mag.
English changes yearly, it is an evolving language as it tries to adapt to new things, or better lexicon. One Mouse two Mice, One Moose, two (Meese didn't work) Mooses was correct for years and has now been replaced with just Moose. Sounds better.

A shot. In the metric world what the hell is a shot? Canada uses shot because we adopted it from our neighours. In Russia is is 50 or 100 grams. Why a shot? As the story goes the price of whiskey in the old gunslinger days was the same as the cost of a bullet. One could trade a bullet out of the belt for a belt of whiskey, or a shot. Now I am not saying this is a FACT UNDISPUTED BY GOD HIMSELF. But it is the way I heard it. As a storyteller I am constantly looking up grammar and language changes and I find this evolution of language interesting. "I had a terrific time." "Really? What was so terrifying about the time you had?" Or my personal favourite; UFC!! "...Undisputed Championship Fight..." Ah if the fact is undisputed why the heck did I just pay 2000 dollars for a floor seat to watch this fight?

Normally I let autocorrect Americanize my spelling. I didn't this time to highlight that we spell our favorite neighbors differently. We kept the U's adapted from the French spelling.

We have drastically different gun laws in our two countries, stemming from drastically different historical realities. Those historical realities shaped our cultural identities. Our Federal laws dictate all the provinces behavior. No state to state differences. Our Federal Law was actually adapted in a large part from the Laws in California, yeah we stole it. Handgun barrel length restrictions, capacity of magazines et al. Some were grandfathered, like me, if you had them you got to keep them and they issued a special license 12/6 12/4 and on it went. But during that time there was a ton of rhetoric that our first female Prime Minister Kim Campbell would come for our guns. So I understand the passion and the emotion.
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The round goes into the clip and the full clip gets pushed down into the magazine.
Wait a minute, Is that supposed to be "cartridge" ? What is also known as "patron", Just happens to be a type of Mexican drink whats served in shots. Mexico btw has huge number of firearm homicide despite strong restriction on guns...
Speaking of Russian shots. Despite being taught "Russia is a blackhole of evil and thats all you need to know about it".
I think they are pretty smart folks and odd at least to me they would serve a shot by weight, not volume ??


Wait a minute, Is that supposed to be "cartridge" ? What is also known as "patron", Just happens to be a type of Mexican drink whats served in shots. Mexico btw has huge number of firearm homicide despite strong restriction on guns...
Speaking of Russian shots. Despite being taught "Russia is a blackhole of evil and thats all you need to know about it".
I think they are pretty smart folks and odd at least to me they would serve a shot by weight, not volume ??

Russian people are and have been very nice to their adopted Canadian. As I type and look out on the Black Sea enjoying my two dollar beer I could post a picture but the swimsuits well...I would get banned and I love you all too much. But Wow!! Yeah I thought it was odd not to use volume as well. "STO Grams Bodka" is how it sounds, I am not going to type in Russian and get ExpedPortal on a list! LOL! They also use the English word degrees to denote percentage of alcohol or proof. I believe it is because English is a very sloppy language, same word several different meanings. Russian is very precise and the grammar is Correct or Not Correct no exceptions like English. The masculine and feminine adds a level that confuses me and I have lived here off and on for four years.
Cheers for the "blackhole of evil" :drool:

And yes The cartridge goes into the clip the clip gets pushed down...the firing pin strikes the primer and the primer explodes, causing the powder to BURN. The expanding gases push the bullet (just ordered the bourbon version to toast your sense of humor) out of the casing and the round travels down the barrel. :):)


It makes sense to stay on target (pun intended) to the OPs post. The question was whether you feel the need to carry while camping. I assume this means camping in a designated campground, or off in a wilderness area, or in an expedition vehicle occupying either.

If we are to assume that by saying "carry" the OP implies a handgun, this becomes a theoretical exercise for our neighbors to the north and south. Any attempts by Canadians or Mexicans to justify why they do/don't think they need to carry feels disingenuous since even if they wanted to they couldn't for all practical purposes.

I guess if we stayed with the purely theoretical discussion, then CAN and MEX can play, but only theoretically....

For my part, one of the very reasons I do not visit Mexico anymore, which is in North America apparently (sarcasm related to another thread), is partly due to the fact that only the police and military are allowed to have guns for the most part, and that has manifested a dynamic with the populace I don't enjoy.
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