Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

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99% of the time you're not carrying a gun while camping due to bad guys

Bears or other large predators are my main concern while camping

Humans can also be predators. I googled a definition for "predator".

noun | pred·a·tor |\ˈpre-də-tər, -ˌtȯr\

Simple Definition of predator

1 : an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals : an animal that preys on other animals

2 : a person who looks for other people in order to use, control, or harm them in some way

Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

So whether a bear or a "predator" (two or four-legged type) I want to be prepared.
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Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
I don't get worked up about it, but generally I will if it is legal where I am going. (If I'm going to California I leave the more interesting guns at home, and if I'm going to Canada or Mexico I leave all the guns at home.)

I will conceal carry often in the back country, and there have been a couple of occasions where I have open carried (very remote BLM lands) where it just seemed the best way to avoid misunderstandings.


Expedition Leader
Depends on which state.
Taking a Pink Miata through Texas I have one of these sitting in the passenger seat. Never had a problem
Camping. Its the hot heads in the lifted trucks. But one glance over my way and the traffic parts like the red sea


Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping?
Generally... yes. If I'm with a group I probably won't have it on me when at camp (it will be in the Jeep). But I want at least to have it available close-by. Will probably have both a handgun and a rifle within easy reach at least inside the vehicle. You never know what or who might show up at camp uninvited. Also depends if you're in the middle-of-nowhere camping vs. camping at a KOA campground (I've done both).
If I'm going hiking with my wife and daughter - I'll definitely be carrying something concealed (probably an XDs 45 cal). And there's a good chance my wife (and possibly daughter) will be carrying something too.
If I'm out Jeeping with a group just for the day... most likely not.



You're welcome.

I'm not over on the Sportsman Forum: Firearms, Fishing, Hunting, etc. much. I guess threads here don't turn over that often.
Still a very interesting topic for discussion.
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You're welcome.

I'm not over on the Sportsman Forum: Firearms, Fishing, Hunting, etc. much. I guess threads here don't turn over that often.
Still a very interesting topic for discussion.

It's been pretty thoroughly discussed as is, and at some point or another it will likely get more argumentative than interesting. But if you you want to resurrect it, have at it.


Depends on which state.
Taking a Pink Miata through Texas I have one of these sitting in the passenger seat. Never had a problem
Camping. Its the hot heads in the lifted trucks. But one glance over my way and the traffic parts like the red sea
View attachment 371942

Driving a pink Miata through Texas + genuine simulated RPG = one Bad Hombre. Or maybe = Jack Kerouac. Regardless, I admire the style. "Stand off, Ruffian, lest I launch on your skinny ***!" Moreover, it must be effective, at least in Texas where they know their weapons.


It's been pretty thoroughly discussed as is, and at some point or another it will likely get more argumentative than interesting. But if you you want to resurrect it, have at it.

Yeah; I didn't look at the date of the last post when I added my original comment. Maybe I should from now on; or maybe I won't. I figure when you pull up a topic, the initial listing of threads are fairly current. And the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to "maybe I won't (check how old the thread is before posting)".
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New member
I carry firearms in the woods because I am safer with them than without. Same reason I carry a blade, axe, first aid kit, water supply, etc. They're tools.


A few years ago "we" were invited to go camping with some of my wife's co-workers.

Now right up front, I am a loner and prefer solo outings vs group gatherings. I find most people lack self awareness, manners, and common sense.

So we end up in a NF campground that is fairly remote here in No. Cal. And there are fresh posters posted about bear activity in the area.
We get set up and settled and one of the gals needed a hair clip and my wife told her there was one in our tent. I had a rifle in a case laying on our sleeping bag and this woman saw it. She come out of the tent and asks...very loudly..."is that a gun!?!?!"

So now the topic around the fire is I have a gun in camp. Found out quickly who had liberal life views. And this gal is going on how she just does not feel safe knowing there is a gun in camp.

Later that night after everyone is bedded down we awake to screaming and yelling followed by a brunch of crashing through the woods.

Now everyone is up and and the fire is stoked back up etc. And miss anti-gun is in my face asking me to get my gun out.

We had been visited by a bear and some of the couples had left food on the table right next to their tents. No one hurt and I am pretty sure the bear was just as afraid as the people once the screaming started.

Next day the topic was they were sure glad there was a gun in camp.
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