Some photo updates. Should be ready for paint in the next day or two.
My side of the bed. Annie's closet though. I think I get the middle drawer on the bottom cabinet so that's good!
Annie's side of the bed, closet and drawers below. I think the storage compartment over the bed is hers as well.
Under the bed storage. The 85 gallon stainless water tank and heat exchanger still needs to be installed but after paint. The rest is storage.
The kitchen is coming along nicely. It will have Corain counter top with a flip up counter in front of the entrance door. That is a heat vent right under the main kitchen cabinet.
Driver's side upper cabinet over the sofa. Not sure what we will put in here yet but I am sure we will fill it.
Passenger side front cabinet. The open space in front of cabinet will be home to the television on a swing arm. The upper cabinet will house the Apple TV and any other receivers etc. The square opening on the right side of the upper cabinet will be home to the Concertone audio receiver. Below that the cabinet in the middle will probably house the coffee maker on the bottom shelf.
This is a shot of the in the body compartment on the rear of the camper. This photo is taken from the curb side door. There are two doors to this compartment. The back of the cabinet in the photo is the inside wall of the street side compartment that will be home to the shore power and other hook ups.