drawer for stove


I posted this in the storage section as well for as many hits and suggestions as possible.
I am in the process of building a large storage drawer for my LX470. Once that is done I will be building some form of a drawer to go under my fridge for storing my stove and I would like to be able to cook right out of the drawer without removing it.
My question is, for those of you that are already doing this: What do you do about your propane connection? For those of you using 1 pound cylinders, do you leave them connected? I am thinking it is probably best to disconnect when not in use, has anyone made a system that easily accommodates quick connect/disconnect without having? I have thought of converting to a butane singe burner stove to save some space and hassle. What are your thoughts on them?
Thanks in advance, any and all suggestions are welcome.


i use a single burner butane and am pretty happy with it. mine is built into my drawer system, and the fuel bottle stays in it full time. my design won't let the drawer close if the lever is still locking the bottle into the fitting.



While I cannot discuss the propane side, as we run liquid fuel, I would think you would want to remove the 1lb bottles during transportation. For that matter, I would think you would always want to disconnect your fuel source, or close the fuel valve on larger tanks.

Here is Paul May's sweet setup in his new 4Runner:

IMG_20140518_121420~2 by Beau_Johnston, on Flickr

Here is our setup:

DSC_8256 by Beau_Johnston, on Flickr


Rendezvous Conspirator
I agree Beau, fuel should always be disconnected for travel.

That's one thing I like about the butane stoves: Disconnecting the fuel supply is a matter of flicking the lever. That backs the bottle away just far enough that it separates from the inlet, but the bottle stays with the stove. Re-connecting and lighting takes 2-seconds.

Unless I'm in severe cold or at altitude, my little dual-fuel butane/propane burner is my go-to for that first pot of coffee in the morning or any quick meal where I need a single heat source, just because it's so easy and quick to setup and light.

I have several white gas stoves and they're great when it's cold, etc. but the priming process, paired with the difficulty of a warm-re-light makes me leave those at home on most trips. Propane is a great option, but getting those fiddly little regulator adapters re-connected to a stove you're setting up and taking down a couple of times a day is also a bit of a hassle.

For a short trip, or a solo trip, I just bring the butane. If I'm going a bit longer and I'm worried about carrying too much butane or I'm worried about getting replacements on the road, I'll carry the propane tank and switch to propane for everything but the morning coffee. I'll carry a second propane stove if a meal will call for multiple burners or I need more heat. White gas is sort of my last resort.


I have one a a well. I love it. Super easy to use and only cost 10 bucks and if you go to the Asian store in town you can find the fuel for a great price. 5 for 2.99


Hi Bretthn:

I have the AT fridge slide and stove drawer and love it. I mounted the 1 gallon propane tank on the outside of my Jeep top. I typically disconnect the hose as I don't find it that difficult to do. However, sometimes I just disconnect the stove end for the night and hang the hose on the propane tank as it will not allow flow from the tank unless both ends are connected. Here is a picture of my set up.

photo 1 (6).JPG

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