If you're going to say something that rings of basic truth, follow it with something else true.
This tidbit is true because American drivers are selfish, inattentive, distracted, and unskilled (present company excepted, of course). The criteria for a license is ridiculously easy compared to many other countries and we let our licensees renew without anything other than a check that doesn't bounce --- until they're about 100 years old... :Wow1:
Thats one of the saddest things about our licensing method. To be blunt, you get all these people talking about safe driving, not talking on the phone or texting, turning the music down, but none of that is really going to help until you actually teach people how to drive. Theres nothing wrong with the occasional phone call...if your not in traffic or something; its a whole different story if your driving 75 in a 65 during heavy traffic. If people KNEW how to drive, common sense (which isnt common) would dictate you move over for slower vehicles, and the opposite if you are moving faster.
I have three big pet peeves with traffic:
-People who dont signal for turns where then is traffic around
-People who move across multiple lanes when turning, if there is traffic, and obviously trucks and trailered vehicles arent counted here
-People that go 45 in a 65, with traffic going 75+, in the left lane.
Speed doesnt kill, people that cant drive kill. Look at the Autobahn in Germany, not too many problems there.
Anyway, I also second the idea previously mentioned about notifying truckers via CB of yourself, but it could be annoying having to do it constantly, so possibly only during uphill grades, bad weather, or other special conditions or something.