Likes to Drive and Ride
You don't sound like a jerk, quite diplomatic and matter of fact I believe.
I agree 100 % with your statements quoted and that of Kerry. 'Speed Differential' is inherently dangerous, going about the speed limit, or limiting speeds to no more than 10-MPH below the limit in the slow lane, hills being the exception, is probably a good idea.
I agree 100 % with your statements quoted and that of Kerry. 'Speed Differential' is inherently dangerous, going about the speed limit, or limiting speeds to no more than 10-MPH below the limit in the slow lane, hills being the exception, is probably a good idea.
If I ruled the world... The Minimum speed would be 5-10 MPH below the stated speed limit and then those vehicles would be required to run in the slow lane except when passing and even then, if they were holding up traffic, even to pass they would be subject to fines.
I also think states like Ca, Id, Mt, Il and others with split speed limits should get rid of them. They are dangerous.
I hope I don't sound like a jerk. snip..........