Sonds like a broken system which encourages unsafe driving. Time is money and there are risks involved in everything but we should all be encouraged to play nicely, this means maintaining a minimum and maximum speed. Do you accept big companies putting out an unsafe product knowingly because they weighed the risks and the payouts from lawsuits wouldn't outweigh the profits. Where is the line to draw, I think that everyone must be responsible and that means personal accountability. I do endorse the idea of safe windows of speed and maybe 45MPH is too slow for interstates, but i see lots of big trucks going 15-20MPH on hills, is that unsafe?
********.. you realize that professional drivers lave far fewer wrecks per mile than you average driver. Rarely do large trucks travel at "unsafe speeds" , most do slightly over the speed at max.
As for the trucks slowing down for hills:
1. Many trucks simply lack the power to get 60,000-80,000 up a mountain and remain fuel efficient on the flats.
2. My case was not the truck lacking power or gearing.. rather it over heated when being pushed that hard for long periods.
3. Most company owned trucks are gutless wonders who are governed too low to get up any speed to get up a hill in the first place.
4. I don't like it..but gravity is not on the side of a class 8 truck. They go slow because they have no choice, RV's and hybrids do it because they are cheap IMHO.