That said, does the trucking industry really want recreational traffic off the interstate highway system that badly? Really?
That's a spectacularly good argument for using rail transportation. The trucking industry is driving nails into it's own coffin.
That said, does the trucking industry really want recreational traffic off the interstate highway system that badly? Really?
Rail traffic will not get it to your local stores. Its also hugely inefficient and slow.
The trucking industry is also as strong as it has ever been. There will be no nails in any coffins.
Rail traffic is fast and exceptionally cheap compared to trucks over the long-haul, but yes, distribution at the end is problematic at this time.
The real answer is intermodal, with trucks handling the local delivery.
That said, does the trucking industry really want recreational traffic off the interstate highway system that badly? Really?
That's a spectacularly good argument for using rail transportation. The trucking industry is driving nails into it's own coffin.
Rail traffic is fast and exceptionally cheap compared to trucks over the long-haul, but yes, distribution at the end is problematic at this time.
Nope... every single thing you own, eat, drive, ride, play with, or break was brought to you on a truck.
That is false. Most things I have have seen the inside of a truck, yes, but also rail, air and boat, and many things have never seen the inside of a truck.
Luckily I believe we all understand that courtesy on the highway is a universal value for Expo members and our actions often show significantly more compassion than do our words.
With all that being said, why do you hate trucks so much for holding you up but you haven't said anything about the RV's that do the same thing. Are you another one of the thousand and thousands that have an irrational hatred of truckers but no reason why?
Dude.. think about it. 99.99% Of everythign in your some part of its creation involved 18 wheels.
Very well said, and its hard to convey feelings, emothins, and sarcasim with a key