Dual Sport Recommendations for Beginners?


OG Portal Member #183
goodtimes said:
I'd have a hard time buying a bike without test riding it first.


We can give you our advice and such, but its really going to boil down to what fits you best and what you are most comfortable on.

Your a BIG dude and will probably not fit well on 1/2 the bikes you try out! :D

I have a Honda XR650L that i love and IMHO is the BEST bike for what i use it for (75% trails, usually at a higher speed), but more importantly it FITS me and i enjoy riding it.

Now, if i was using it for a commute and rode it on the freeway often, i would go with the BMW. We have some guys on Dakars in the club that can ride the bajesus out of those things and hang with anyone! Most impressive machine and most likely my next bike!

You are more then welcome to make the trek down to SD and take it for a ride if you'd like.


I ride alot and i ride often. Usually with large groups of dual sports in my club. Usually a well mixed bunch ranging from TW200 to the big daddy BMWers

I will say this as a fact, not an opinion or comment to cause a brand vs brand debate, that the Hondas and BMWs are by FAR the most trouble free bikes out there!
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I've owned an XT225 for many years and over 10,000 miles (it's a 1992 model) now. I love it. It is completely dependable - it has never had anything but routine maintenance in all those years. Geared way down it makes an excellent trail bike to explore those rough trails that a bigger bike just can't handle (try following a horse trail across the side of a mountain on an XR650 - you'll soon wish you hadn't). It is darn near as good as a trials bike.

But on the freeway? No way! The 225 runs out of steam above 60 mph and you know freeway traffic moves much faster than that. You run the risk of becoming a hood ornament for some inattentive SUV driver. If the balance of your riding will be on dirt roads and pavement get something at least 500cc or bigger, something that can outmaneuver and outaccelerate most of the other vehicles on the road.

Just my 2 cents worth!


El Gringo Spectacular!
Deserteagle makes a good point. For a bike that you'll use above 50mph, it's nice to have a bit of extra power to stay out of the way of others...it was tough for me on my XR650L to be on the highway and not have it pinned at full throttle. My GS, on the other hand....well...let's just say that not too much actually passes me....

All around, I have to once again say the Honda XRL...if you have the inseam for it....good all around compromise, and you can buy 4 for the price of a new 1200GS Adventure....

I love my BMW...that being said...for the next Mexico trip...we're building up XRLs..the track we have in mind is just too rough for a 600+ lb. bike...



Heretic Car Camper
Had a customer once in the gun shop I worked in while in college that said "the more you have, the more you need."

I'm finding that to be true in a lot of things.


ntsqd said:
Had a customer once in the gun shop I worked in while in college that said "the more you have, the more you need."

I'm finding that to be true in a lot of things.

Yup, and you can go as fast as your wallet will allow!

I owned motorcycles for several years, and at one point, commuted for 2 years straight on a Shadow (35 miles of freeway, each way). Nobody here is going to say a bike saves you money, because there's more to it than just the bike and gas.

Before long after I bought my first bike, I had a $1,000 in riding gear for all seasons (and needed it, too), multiple windshield and seat combinations, and mods to the bike to make it a safer commuter. Every dollar I saved on gas I put somewhere else, and that didn't even count maintenance or insurance!

Biking can be done on the cheap, but most of us men simply don't have the self control to do it. Most of all, motorcycles are for entertainment even if it's a commuter. Keep that perspective and you'll be happy no matter what!

Good luck! Be safe.



goodtimes said:
Unfortunately, many places don't allow test rides. I guess they are scared that if you actually rode one before you bought it, you wouldn't like it enough to buy it. Fortunately, when I was looking at the BMW's, I discovered that Iron Horse BMW (tucson) actually encourages test rides, and were more than willing to put plates on anything I wanted.

My local Triumph Dealer has 2 fun rides a year. You can test drive everything in stock as long as you have a motorcycle endorsement:roost:


OG Portal Member #183
I have decided not to get a bike after all.

I dont think YOU were the one that decided not to get a bike! :ylsmoke:

Marriage is a series of compromises and this issue is one that my wife feels very strongly about so I must seek my entertainment elsewhere :eek:

Yeah, i hear ya. I went with the "Bring it home and ask for forgiveness" method rather then the discussion method. Had a few heated discussions and now all is well and i am :roost:

On another note, if i had children and others that depend on me i honestly wouldnt even consider COMMUTING on a bike in So Cal surrounded by the worst most rushed drivers in the country! :ylsmoke:

Dave Bennett

Boston Mangler said:
On another note, if i had children and others that depend on me i honestly wouldnt even consider COMMUTING on a bike in So Cal surrounded by the worst most rushed drivers in the country! :ylsmoke:

That was her argument... no winning that one :smilies27


Expedition Poseur
Boston Mangler said:
She has a valid one! Sorry!

I feel safer doing 70mph through trees offroad then i feel doing 30mph on the streets of So Cal! :roost:

Well duh!

Going 30mph on the streets in SoCal is a sure fire way to get run over by granny who is late for the bingo game! You need to be moving at least 85 to avoid being run over.

Doc, so commuting on a moto is out. Fine. Don't commute on one....just take it out for the weekend rides. :D


OG Portal Member #183
goodtimes said:
Don't commute on one....just take it out for the weekend rides. :D

That is the decision i made and absolutely love it!

I ride with the local SD Dual Sport club about once a month.

Basically the only time i ride the bike, but its well worth it to me! :D


Dave Bennett

The Dream is Still Alive!!!

My wife is warming up to the idea of a DS... so, I may be getting it this summer after all!

Still leaning towards the new KLR, but I have a copy of the Recycler here and I see lots of good deals on anything you can name so I am still researching.

Richard, I hope you still have that ADV decal! :punk03:

Stay tuned, I may need some riding buddies! :roost:

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