Dumb Question, #9899; Are the front & rear heater cores connected? G2/ G2.5


Started cleaning out the front heater core...

Gallons of clean water being sent in & lots of crud [mostly black in color] being forced out...

So much so that it makes me wonder if the front & rear cores are connected...

As if the reason for so much muck is that the water is making a long route through the entire system...

Yes, I could crawl underneath and investigate such, but that would involve me [myself] soaking up some liquid that has overflowed on the concrete...

Wondering if anyone can chime in with definitive answer...

Right now, we have 5 gallons of muck - waiting to be taken for recycling.

Thanks for your consideration,



The service writer at my local Mitsubishi dealer told me they were connected and to make sure all the lines and elbow and T joints were ok or the system will leak and cause over heating or other damage.


Expedition Leader
The service writer at my local Mitsubishi dealer told me they were connected and to make sure all the lines and elbow and T joints were ok or the system will leak and cause over heating or other damage.

My gen 2.5 does not have a rear heater core. Don't think any of the Gen 2' or 2.5's in US had

My thoughts exactly, pretty sure it wasn't even an option until the gen 3 or maybe the later 3.5. I know for certain my 98 with the winter package and the 3 other gen 2.5's I have dismantled did not have rear heat....

Jeff V.

jeep-N-montero said:
My thoughts exactly, pretty sure it wasn't even an option until the gen 3 or maybe the later 3.5.

ASA shows it wasn't an option until gen 3. That's weird, because the Sport had optional rear heat. The 99 Sport I pulled my 6G74 out of had it installed. I need to delete the fittings from the engine before I can install it.


I was correct... it was a dumb question.

Carry on... I'm sure I can come up with another dumb question down the line.

Thanks to all for participating!

- Wm.

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