Earthroamer Factory Visit


New member
Very eloquently put Bill! My wife and I were in Denver earlier this year in May and had a similarly rewarding experience at the ER factory.

However, this furor will soon subside as, judging from our visit, the vehicles themselves are eloquence enough - you have a great product and I hope we will join the ranks of happy owners.



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0004

Well put. A quote from Theodore Roosevelt comes to mind:

"It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worth cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."


I'll counter with a quote from Benjamin Franklin:

"Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late."

I think Bill's comments would have been more timely a year ago. There were plenty of threads with lots of people posting things they didn't know anything about, and some, probably, that knew plenty, but it's old news now.



I'll counter with a quote from Benjamin Franklin:

"Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late."

I think Bill's comments would have been more timely a year ago. There were plenty of threads with lots of people posting things they didn't know anything about, and some, probably, that knew plenty, but it's old news now.


Now that was funny


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0004
I'll counter with a quote from Benjamin Franklin:

"Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late."

I think Bill's comments would have been more timely a year ago. There were plenty of threads with lots of people posting things they didn't know anything about, and some, probably, that knew plenty, but it's old news now.


Ah, how true.
Reminds me of a talk show that ******** Cavet used to host called "Meeting of the minds" where he used to bring in actors to play different historical figures. I am sure a dialog between Ben & Theo would have been interesting.


I think Bill's comments would have been more timely a year ago.

Not to put words in his mouth, but there are reasons that a business owner cannot talk about current situations when dealing with something like that while negotiating terms.

It sounds like Bill did an honest job of restructuring and I commend him for turning things around and making another attempt in this business climate. I've seen a lot of "old name" businesses fail in the past few years - ones in much more stable venues than what has to be recognized as a luxury business such as EarthRoamer.

And as cwsqbm stated - "We need pics!" :sombrero:


Expedition Leader
Its such a pity that Earthroamer can't be mentioned at all without someone immediately bringing up the bankruptcy.

Yes, its part of life in America, and I think its great. Just because someone fails once, we don't hold him down for the rest of his life. Henry Ford's first attempts were also failure. If he was not allowed to try again, where we would be now?

So please, stop beating a dead horse.

To the OP: post pics please.

With all due respect, when I read the title to this thread my first thoughts were "didn't they go bankrupt?".

And it may be beating a dead horse for you, but it's new news to me. Then it becomes a question of do i get out of Expo and do an internet search for ER's bankruptcy or do I simply post a comment/question here on ExPo? I would hope I could just post it here since that is part of the reason I belong to ExPo, and this is the place to find the information, anyway.

I'm glad it's resolved and they've been able to reorganize, but not everyone knows that. Especially us minivan drivers.:ylsmoke:
I want to thank everyone who posted in support of EarthRoamer and thank everyone for keeping the discourse positive.

We held our 6th annual EarthRoamer Owner's Rally last week in Colorado. We managed to round up 15 out of the 110 EarthRoamers we've built so far - here are a couple of photos...





Bill Swails


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Hey is that TinCup pass and Mirror Lake?
I was just up there and that would have been a great place to play with those rigs.
Good on ya Bill for keeping the ER love alive, you have a great customer base and many of us are happy to see you moving forward.

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